Show Weather Predictor Convention Milwaukee WIs AUK Aug 29 The con convention cn of weather bureau tureau officials came to A I close today toay with wih a n section seton devoted devote to brief brIe responses by Invited guests who ho spoke from the tha topic A A As See Sea Us U UThe UThe The remark remarks were ero of ot A highly eulo cola t 1 J IU IUt character in Praise t or ct the tine United States m u r hurt hUfI Th gathering from rom a n at tn Is II pronounced ti mu most su IU c f 1 Ur u Chief Willis Wils L I Moore the tine on ou L I 1 nil all phases ol of the service lave Q c l h sv out nut ninny many man new ness IW anti a Important Ui tf wi sug d which will vice viceA tons wil grealy greatly the hT hTA he s I r A banquet hanquet by the cItizens citizen of cf lII kee kep will wi bo be sivan Iven to the tho wr sv an mean I al tonight tonight So tue r tn Y ff t ti rA Il Wilson will r p uni u to t t toIlet toast What t Science HM lIne lion Don Jas DOlc or h n jur American iI Farmer utu r t 1 ti i n elude Time fht Jure u p If t Ib b N L I Moore The rhe m tin 1 1 an a I a Now H Ii I L J 1 Williams w v ax n The Weather tl Bureau Prof nor 0 It Alex Alx Allx MeAdie San Francisco o M re |