Show Just ns as al he o was WB leaving the Western Arms and Sporting Goods Goode store storo on East Eat Temple street with wih a n carryall full tul of ot revolvers which he had hod stolen Ed Fd Mien Allen ft R stranger tranger was wn cap captured captured lured by b Watchman Thomas Dob Dobson on and Officer Roberts Habel and Ind Is I now In jail on un the time charge of burGlar burglary The Time burglar burglary was wall committed early carly this morning near n nr the hour of ot 4 at 13 tt 3 the robber WH WR was In tn jail and on a 1 table In the he desk sergeants room rm at atthe atthe the old police pollee polee station were revolvers valued alue at 1 I There were ere big ble guns little guns anti and medium sized guns gun which caused the reporter to exclaim great What have hae you ou there Oh Olm the these e said salt Sergeant e enro am supplies s to be ent sent out to the th time Robbers Roost Host r Thero There was wa everything from a n her Improved automatic Colts Cois down to toa toa a 1 small smal 82 1 2 single action acton Some Sone of ot theta them thel were e pretty badly wretched scratched because buse they had nil all ni been en dumped dump c like M to much scrap Iron Irn Into n a big bil carryall which had ha also been rn stolen At the hour mentioned Captain Dob fob Doblon son con lon was 11 making makinI his usual rounds rund when ho noticed a J man come from the tho rear of ot the store ap appeared to be b a sack full tul of junk Cap Captain Cap Caplain lain tain Dobson Doblon followed the h man until oath he sighted Officer Roberts Hobert whose tho hO beat U k Uon I Ion kon on East Eat Temple street t t and antI the two placed the man ml under arrest and ex cx examined e th te the contents contenti or Of o hit hll i tack a aL af f L SALT LAKES BIGGEST GUN UN THIEF Caught With Several Hundred Dollars Worth of Re Revolvers Revolvers Stolen from the Western Arms and Sport Sporting SportIng ing in Goods Company They of oC revolvers were wert amazed to find It I half hI full ful The Tue man submitted quietly quIet to arrest and nOi did not deny den that ho had bur but tIme the store At the station he gave ae his hU name aetna as ns Ed BJ Allen Alen but fur further further further ther than that refused to tn alk ik Th officers olter went back to the store and con oon continued cn tinned tnt 1 their Investigation The found n a rear lear window In the tho basement pried prie open and the Iron Irn twin bar protected It H forced fole apart The thief accomplished this thin with wih a piece or ot Iron and once onre inside the rod rest was wnM easy s Selecting a large leather lether carryall carral suited hl hi his fancy he lie h went lo to the th show ease case rae which contained time the thO most mon valuable stock and literally cleaned U It I out He Ue Ignored I nored the Inferior weapon nor entirely lv When hen the clerks arrived at nt atthe atthe the tore this morning they th wen dumbfounded when hn Informed by b wen thu th officers of the burglary burglar The manager learned of o It and Immediately went to I Ithe the time station and Identified t the goods He lie 1 said that by actual cost the he lot gos was wa as Worth the amount above stated A complaint will wi be tiled filed fe charging Allen Alien Alen with wih burglary burglar This afternoon four tour more mor revolvers were found by b Capt Capt Dobson l They were wert covered over oer with dirt In Inthe tIme the rear NAr of the COOT eo oi Allen told tol fob Dob con In where they th f were and 01 10 2 bl said W itC h job had hi a kid with wih him who assisted In the The mini guns were taken take to the police station and placed plato with wih the rest at It I It is said Ild that Allen len says the tho will wi plead guilty fly to burglary burglar burlar and g Et get t started on onh hU his h at one once I I COST Last nights experience with wih electrical cal storms was the most mOlt expensive In Inthe InI inthe the history of the time Utah Ulah Light Power company com cuu damage to the time extent of ot about 00 having been heon done |