Show Claims an on American Bride New ew York Oct 25 Oscar the young son of or the tha Petroleum Queen of ot Finland who Vho has hall come como many thousand miles mile to claim an American bride has hall Just arrived hero here hereon on the J fath fathi father er Cr I was wn the controlling spirit of ot the pe PC petroleum trade trado In Finland lie He died severn several years ago ngo and the tho business IK Is now no carried on by b 1 the tho young mans man mother Five lo months ago while studying art In Paris lie he met n a fellow tellow student Mien dough daugh daughter ter Cr of professor or In a I college In lit town Iowa t Miss Krishna Kristina hilt oen Jeen taught by her parents to I speak peak both French rind Russian The two tiyo fell In love and became engaged a short shott friendship Miss Mis caina CUlli from rain Porte Paris two to months ago ngo to Ui tl prepare for tor or her hei wedding waddIng which will take Uke place Ilace October 30 After ACtor the cele many the tho young people p ople will VII go to the tM grooms homo In Finland |