Show OP fur for the tho Ap 11 ui or it I Receiver Indianapolis md lod Df Dee Sen Sentinel Sentinel tinel this morning says Attorney U rny General Taylor TAlor on behalf ot of the State Slate of oC Indiana will file In the superior court of oC Marion county this Friday morning 1 it asking the appoint meat of oC n a hEr for tor the o Order er or of Chosen Friends one OM or of time tIll lar largest t fraternal insurance association In the States State The filing of oC time till uit will affect thIrty States Stale ot of the Union u a the luau hall n authorized to do business In that number In the application atlon for A r receiver ler which I 1 a voluminous document the fact is II set out that thai the association I is insolvent anti anet unable able to meet the death claims claIm no now outstanding claim dAlma aggregate about OLIO antI rain caine to light lIht through an fX cx mails b by George U lung lungham ham expert of the Indiana Insurance department lat last W Wednesday to the statement ot of time the toilet d In December time bala balance t on band October I 1 1900 was There has ball been III sine on a total on Ct hand ot of L Out ot of this ther hili ii been paid on 01 old 1 age If Il Ilum um on twenty claims 35 SO anti held for Cor claims leaving on imand hanel a balance of oC The Th total benefits lIld up to Or 01 31 1000 as aa shown hown In the state UfO are u as follows On on III 12 WR N Gift and on ol to October 31 1900 1000 S In ht his report for Cor thia twenty yg Jimmie 30 on tnt the Of f mh relief lIlt funds n t fr 11 hi h nfl f the tho council In this city L rr I 1 he supreme recorder I I hv v States I I I i 1 r I Nevada SI I l I I ii I 11 I Wash Wah In ton 1 d 41 I I ir or Of the above amounts amount the sums were paid In In excess to that drawn out b by the States California In California 1 |