Show PERSONA ExActing Governor QuIl of incipient with n a crop from whIskers came ta town Arizona WIllIam lait s evening Marks the Marii tle WIlam of county cl elected schools te for Cor Toole Tooele Ie i at the Ule he guest tt 1 AddIson Smith private secretary of I Senator Shoup al In this city last for it CO few hours hour n his ay a to to 10 molt t tio e Washington mot B Or f th Denver ChrT formerly of the HeRld this POt Post city Mme cam In this morn In to Q hii hiim his cl m mother ther who Is II en n rule route tom Porn In order to attend the n to Florilla FlorIda oner funeral of her sister ICing left iet for or ton too this mornIng |