Show WV WU CAllS UPON THE Delv Delivers ts Message of Thanks from flom the flue Em y of Forged Edict I IE s Designs IEn n i Ot Oct 1 Wu cli celled upon tb the U mornIng Up Upon leaving tle the White I the mm liter 14 said that thal h he bal hid eOD e to the President am a message from the I emperor of Chine China thanking President for tor the consideration b by t tt e United durIn during le the Chinese We ule The T minister also allO a dl Itch from Shanghai fron from the Iho lulb south ern em stating taUD that Ute tIne Imperia Imperial Ir narty had reached reache Tn Thing KIn only Ol afew a few tew mi miles from Crom Fu tb the nw new cepl dl the fourteenth Instant to lh the report from trot that tin th edict for the punIshment itt t certain Chinese Chine had been Cored forged Minister Wu ald said such a tol wu wee pr pre and should bould receive no n cr deuce dence whatever I If anyone anone should is II issue sue R a lal alge der decree of 01 II any character It would 1 be very vry e easy he il said to ascar tam Identity and ad tie h certainly would be The Th advice received by Mr r Wu 1 no 10 indication lt of a purpose on the paI paIol part ol of the royal roal family to return to although there I is reason to 10 bleve believe that continue to b be madl made to induce the emperor to Li return to te the capItal The emperor I mac heretofore sent Int ml tines ur sages ot of thanks to 10 the ciar o of Russia and emperor ot of Japan for th IC curt course their government hll have pursued and nd the message mue to the President ii the um cam In lInes Secretary Hey Hay come tm time at t the war department tolay day In conference with Secretary Rot after afler which h he wont to lO the WhIt lt house Prom this Ihl It II wee u Interred that thore IhNe were some lome mit military I ns In the situation no statement wee u made turn Russia del determination II to pursue a polIty Inde independent of the ot other powers er te p Ie I r re by a ci a most ha m portent development tn in th the situation a In Ih the absence of detaIls those abne deal thO II inn authority ae are o In doubt as to whether hI Ihl thIs stroke I is designed t to li in 01 lUt Russian ot of tb or I In only another move in n the lf t tendency which the cut CIU hu baa I n expression t to beginnIng wih with the 81 Of f the tb wIthdrawal of t tOI from frum Pekin A to Raf Runt lien ln on l Manchuria It II Is I that In the note of t 2 h that government a 1 tatI Pt Ju lla alli 1 not tal to 10 withdraw hr her tro froni thin the bund boundaries ot of the adjacent provided however that Ihal Ite th acton ot of 01 other her shall hal not stand In the way a id 1 It I Iii ii question whether the pre In aggressive C course ot of let Oer in a military campaIgn I not the actiOn of f other powers which wi will stand In the a 00 There Ther is II a strong trl In officio quarters tint th t trend of nut Rh nc she ts II tor tin Ih ultImate a as nulan In domain of nt as rrt part of the Ia EDICT EDW lekin Monday Oct 15 i I It Il Ia ed 1 as al certain that Ihal 11 all the imperial orderIng th punishment of high Wert were trl cud and were ere concocted th wih with the Idea fr 1 preventIng al all el C on Poe Thug Tin Pu Pu Prince Ching end and e Li 11 Hun Hung Chari deny 11 its von voa I is expected to arrive here Same ban hll have become troublesome In the v ot of the sum ke keme me over laO and a expedition II is them being I organised to against ul ot tt dl 11 |