Show 31 I Te The State oC examiners hu ma fl filed d tt its l report t for Ihl tire two years ear ending Dee DI 31 1 1900 10 wih with Governor Veli 1 which shows howa that nl have been en examined for the of If medicine 38 3 of whom hom pined creditably and ond received Ther There were ap applicants to pre practice tice and passed a successful examination The br board held ten sessions of oC two da day each duro dur lag the two years A recommendation th the report asking king that the State law b be amended allowing the Ihl bad board to Iu certifIcates to person holding proper credentials from pron other State I boards as there II a movement among the States to do thil this ThE The br board during the period rl 1 embraced Cd In the report U as fees fee 7 and its expenses amounted to 10 |