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Show UNITED STATES COURT VERY BUSY1 Yt.UriUy buv dav is tk ! I uite.l Stmt di.tnct eoaii. tb follow- un ram twmjr hoard: Attoraovi for tk t'tok Por and Light rompony arnuaj a motion to dia-mtm dia-mtm two mi it. avaiaat tar Tallurido I'lraar rompauv. filod oo the jrrouad that tbr rompaav wa, oporatlnir on th fornt reaarvaa without pormiaaion and without uavinjr rrquirrd faaa. Tha ralluridr ..iii,ni ha, ha abaorbod by th- I tah Power and Liht company, and the matter wai taken under advisement. ad-visement. An arvouat of SM.M praaeatod by . bar le. Baldwin. I nner Htata, coat-iniaaionar, coat-iniaaionar, waa approved. Afftdavltii were filod againit tha J. St McDonald .oeolata cumpaav chaff iaa; violatioa of the pure food lawn by mi. branding and adulterating cocoa. Tha demurrer ia the caae of P. J. Moran airaiait tha Pacific Heelamation nmpany waa overrnled and the defend ant given ihirtr daya in which to file an anawar. The baakmptc-v caae of Ueorge V. Itallard waa argued and taken under advieenieot. A nation to remand to the diitriet court waa arguad and taken uadee ad-viaemant ad-viaemant in the eaee of rHiaa Williame and othera agalast tha I'tah ConnoU-dated ConnoU-dated Mining romay aad oihera. W. H. Follend aad Edward D. Duna were admitted to practice law ia tha I'nited Htatea dlatrlct court. lamaa Murnev waa awarded a judg ment for tino againit the Daly Weat Mining com(aaT. Tha caae of tbe Minera' Ameltmg company againat the Majeatic Mining anil Smelting company waa diemiaaad. |