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Show Retail Sales Increase In Utah During August Sales by Independent retail stores in Utah during August were 3.8 per cent higher than August of last year, and 4.1 per cent higher than those of the preceding month, according to a bureau of the census cen-sus report released Saturday. Sales records based on reports from 393 retailers throughout the state ahow the August 1939, gains over August 1938, to be 1.9 per cent in Salt Lake City; 3.1 per cent in Ogden; 1.3 per cent in Provo and 19.9 per cent in Logan. The net sales of the reporting stores during the month totaled $2-374,653. Cotton Market NEW YORK, iapt. 23 AP) Th eo-lon eo-lon luturaa market clcacd 2 io I point a nt kiwar atunlar attar dUplayUig n Irregular traud tHrouitb soat ol Um mora naual Saturday had aalltnc waa raihar heavy And arcountad for moat ul Um prcaaura on tl) markat. Hdaa cama In thruuih cooparaliv account. Naw Orleana oiaratora aold aciivtly In Octt bar. but thasa contract! wtra wall taken by abort a. wbo ware covarluj( baton tlx at notloa day on Tuaaday. Tba trada aaain lent piinctpaJ ajpfMrt tn tha lorra ot prVa (izatlona throusn laadhitl a po Iniereata. whlla wim forainn buying waa noted aarly. Hlrb. Low. Cloa. (Vtober . . 03 OO 9 01 WcmMr . Tft 12 JT5 January Mart .... II 3 t 54 jo 57 May 4- S 33 34 July 31 18 IS H addling apot 9M: elf ft. Sugar NKW YORK. hap. 13 1 APi Domaatl ugar futura ral I tad under a trade covar-M'K covar-M'K movement toward tha rloae Baturday and prtreo andad 1 to 3 point hlgrhtr, wltn tba eaceptKMB of Novem&ar. watch waa nomtoally 4 lowar fUlaa totalad A15U tana. Earl tar In tha day, aallmg through iraria bouaa waa atorlad by a naodaraU comnn laaprnt ItfMiaa demand. World rnniracia rloapetl urtcbanga to 1 pom la lowar, Malaa totaled 40 tona Tha Harrh pualtkm cloaad 3-1 4 canta, oft 1 Vtj puts la. Raw augar waa anilat. with duty frta offarluga avallabla at 3 70 ctoU. Reftn-ara. Reftn-ara. ho waver, did aot appaar liitaraatad. Cuban aellara emttnitd withdrawn. Raflnad ramaiivad nchajigad, at 5-T5 irutTtTw 1n 1 rtoart iMfhitg to war id" t Mghar; aaiaa, ll&O tona January. 3 40c bad; March, 2.47a bid. May, 3 51c (.id. Ore Output INGHAM Unttad St a tea Nweltbig. Raftolng and Mining company. 7004 tone; American Smelting ana Refining company, S35 tone; eNattwual Tunnel and Mlnee company, 10O0 li.ua. Combined Metala Reduction company, ft.K) tooa, Utah Copper company, daily average, 717 S5-toa cara. T1NTIC Ttnttt Standard ami Kuraka Standard. 1 carlnada. V. S. Mtnaa, IH : Mammoth. 11: Chief Cnnaolklatert. 1: dump ore, 15; lima. 1, Colorado Cotiaolklated. 4, Iron Bloaaom. 4: North LUy, 4. Empire Mtitea. 3: Mountain Vtaw, 3; Utah Fire Clay company com-pany tallica), 2: Dragon, 2; Oodiva. 2; bhowara, l, Phitua, 1. PARK TITT Park Utah. 2070 tone Park City ftm-aWtlMatert. ftm-aWtlMatert. 12O0; New Park, MO; SINer King CoattUoa tecmeaaitrataa), ST. 4I.TA Wasatch Mtnaa. 3 carloads; Mtchlgaa Utah. 1, Waaatch OoM. 1. Potato Market CHICAOO. Bead S3 I AP-USPA I F laloea Reeelpta. 99: on traek. 28: tolal U. d. ahipme'ite. 3S2: few aalea: euppliee moderale: demand llrht account Jewteh holiday: eteariy: Backed per cwt. Ideho meeel Burbanke. U. S. No. I. waBbed. S1.9.491.7S. Orecci rueaet Burbanka U. S. No. 1. car. SI SS: Colorado rsd afc-Cturee. afc-Cturee. U. S No. 1, unwaabed. car SI.SO: Minneeota Hollendale eectioti eobbl.re. U. 8. No. 1. cer. SI 22 tdj ; North Dakota Reel river valley aectton cobbler. U. a No. 1, SI. 23: BIumj tniwDtu. 90 per cent 17. S. No. 1, on.aahed. SI 251.30: car waahed. SI 45: Wiaronstn eobblar. U. a. No. i. car medium else. SI. SO. |