Show oI lilt The wIves of oC BritIsh generals In So th are an group of wo 0 their duty nobly nobl m mn n who have hao done by putting aside all personal anxieties and devoting themselves with energy to the relief ot of the soldiers wives and families rV FW Wives ha have gone I through times of oC greater reater anxiety than hu has Lady Whit I during durin the last b 6 byears years about a year Mr ago her ladyship end and Sit Sir George celebrated their silver Ihu wedding for since her ber marriage marriA her husband has hOl been constantly on active Sir George White It will bl be r Sir on his l march to Owing to the fut fast that she was the daughter or of the Venerable Joseph HII Rt at the time or of her marrIAge archdeacon ot of Calcutta lady I Whit hitI was is admirably fitted to he hethe hethe the wife of theman n occupying a very ery high position In ladle I The lAdy Methuen belongs to ton toa n a celt known family She is III n it ot of her husband anti her mArrIage to o the famous Camou soldier took place five Ove years after the death ot of his first niCe and Ju just t before he was las all ap appointed pointed p A G 0 at the Cape Cap ot of Good Goodhope hope hUe the year II 5 to say In 1516 the tise non Hon PAul c commanded the famous horse In I land Lord I and lAdy Methuen hl have tour four children n ot of whom th eldest their theiron oft on heIr II i Jut just 13 11 ra or of ate ace whIle their chIld 1 a daughter dau I is ii G old uld SInce their return South Africa and hUe lArd wu was In command of the home al the they a great deal or of their time at atthe atthe the WiltshIre sett 1 Court |