Show CUSJlITJIIH There iccm to tx an art In file Halt of MI IMIPII to drnrln the not arotl of the benefits of tdiHllltn Thll is all this mot utranao leaves It halftime half-time Maintained of law Dial She only way of Preventing the rtmirrtiw In tomt loealltlM of the murderous and Iwrbaroni ilauthttr of the cotortd population pop-ulation In I to educate them until they Iaoh a Manaarrt nf morality at prevalent aid to be far Wow that of their white brethren Major James I Varrlman It I making a eaitraaa for the nnmlntllon lot itor trmir on a platform which advocates that reduction of ntirort lo a condition nftlanr lit to quoted by the Springfield Spring-field Itonnblloan at iatn that It It I a criminal folly to talk about advancing the colored rat by education The nt grace lit earn ran find no field of Unit fatness In the south IVMMr Wah nflmi tcSool It no last far than the othtrt Il > aaya It wou < Ibo I-bo all ntlt In a nation of nr iiroti but It uatltta In lilt Houih There It I non no-n li of Usefulness fur II uradilatte We might at well look Ihr matter Miuarely In the fact It It fuillt lo attempt to rUralt the n on ro The education of Hit met would he a dlacountliw look tinder tin-der any c < m d llilonii I Under than that ttat mid win continue to nltt In MX InlpM It li I Imply prtpoaltroua The final ourome of the tHffro qutallon In the fouth U I the traiterlnc of the ne rota to that they will ceaee lo cut any nature In eronomlo condlllone or Ihtlr reduction to a Halt of nninair I bt I om r he ronrluHte that a majority of the Inltllldnt whlln people I of Mleali official think at t do about this matter Hhoilld the Ktntlemin mireKd It would season that M far AD hit Plate U I consecrated tin patt of the constitution which ewure liberty to flat colored me would be I annulled Thr would In all probability U I no public undo anpnptlatttl for the education of the children of n Hint I clan of cllUn 11114 1 Shia ronexgutncet would bo the ptrpttu allon tf the rate Conflict Taken alt In all the Internal condl Ones of the Unlte1 HtnlM nrt not aa atUfietivry ai they mlnlit W I with the gave jimont we have It there li I not a race problem religious Ministry In doing III ballot to keep tht Hamti hurnlnit Th > n there art connicti between capital load labor between lndltu li and or mnlMlloni ami betwee different 1011 llcal lntent until Shot entire nation Postal lo U I In turmoil It there to l any truth In the wiyln that In unity then U I tnnilh there U eomt MUM for alarm In Iht preMnl Ituallan HvliUnlly we have not parteO Iht ttavt In which It may become the initiation of eomebody to Pave the treat Instrument of human liberty from de I tructlon by standing up valiantly Inn In defrnM perhapa In-n by uffrrlnK martyrdom for III perpetuation |