Show is A P I AIVA II I HIM I II Tllll TIMI W 1 1 Th fail Angelee Ktpr I me to have choaen the eubect of Mormon Join for a eteady theme and nn almoet 4 1 4 dllly dlel for III reader There would rg il i be no objection lo thai If Ha editorial 11 effort wre founded on recall and conveyed 1 t con-veyed Bom correct Information Hut I they display either remirkanl lack ot I 1 undemanding nr a deploraM desire tot if t I t inlrrpreeenl We prefer lo accept the 1 nnt of the two Inference ai WI know of no reaeon why that paper hould I 1 elhlWt special 1 uuplty falseness the I 1alter Paints I i I There Is I no Justification however In I 1 either coast for Its virtual attempt lo I t I a justify the forcible meaiurea taken by the people of kilo Houlh to put a Mop to I I Jlorrnonlm All that It Alleged or 1 S Imagine about Mormon proedyllng 1 form a no ekcuee far mobocracy and I lawleeeneM The Ilprem Hate thai The objecllonabl feature of Mormon 1 Mor-mon iroelyllng ll I that the Mormon find the greater 1 per I cent of Ihelr con ill Vesta nations the wn Tile woo men an usually ignorant awl are ully iruded that Hod wlihe them to abandon their huebandi and children and mt grate lo Utah The Ignorance dlapliye1 In the fen 1 tenll A ha quoted Could not W celled elled In I any AtormoW convert mol 11 or transit In the Houth or In Ilia North I ek If It were true that the Itr eat r por 1 I cent ot Iomn converts at women I the urn objection roul I bot rallied against every pilot In Chrletendom Th Catholic nit Protntant church have 11 a larger I Percentage ot women titan 1 men among their devotees 111 II la I n I notable fact that the great majority ot men both In Huron and America are 11 I either skeptical on religious doctrine or I 1 Indifferent and If they attend public worhlp do no ai a mailer ot custom In nipKtabfct aoclely rather than aa convert Thin of court doe not apply ap-ply to ilncer male 1 church member but la HM general imputation In bath I flemilpheree I I I The flisproom writer wIII ber puzzled 10 find our evidence lu uIolAl Ih I I stupid notion that women tire 1trouad rd by Mormon prMchtra to leave I 1 their hubandi or their tlilllrrn or to mlcrala to Utah There U I nothing 11 In lIomolm which rony the I Un that aod wlhu their in I di 1 I 11 anyihlnc of tli kind He niyn futlhrr 40 The crrat fuel to MormunlHii la I education lew rilucdt l people l bnooine I contorts to that fallh I I 11 Hut after dnwantlnx nn that topic I t drawlnc ridiculous deductlona headline the premises are untrue he admtl I There are thousand A of fluclf I a C uluooI and refined Irnon Grill all Alogrions 11 I It thein have beell and 0 I is 11 thin I social trlm The nipreH editor rhoull rent Mor I non literature before ullempilnit to I ttrat on Morm < nlm lie would nnl that among Its rhnplrit d KtrlnM are thriel Thai The glory ot Unit U In trlllltnoe Malt IVo man con the MVr1 I In Ignoratice I that the Prainta am earn mandtnl lo Nook nut ot the beat iHHika words lit valklons I to Park learnlnv by ttudy still else by fallh to Income J come acquainted with all good IKX k < 4 and wllh laJHtuaxe fatigue and fall 1 lle 1 and acquire a kmmlelin alei I t at countrickso and at killdo DO 01 1lno a1 10nlO Ilerhophe even Ilse 1aprearts writer hat 1 heard that whll the Position Pharliv a s doctor and lawyer rejected live I Me t Plan the common people 1 heard Him glaillya and hal not many what I nol 11 many learned 1 not many mighty tariffs I Owl called but Hod hiilll choosers the I weak thing of Old earth lo confound I I the mighty thai no llcli mlthl glory In ill Illi preeoncW It the former day I Paints were uatrarlieil by tire worllly I wle and Ih proud and haughty they counted all much thing as droe 1 In Composition vllh Ihe excellency ot ho 3 knowledge of 11 01 Th letter day 1 Points Iloln the same isentlantut The DM rew ohould I learn e < > as not a lo bot behind the lime that there are nu 1eopl on tile imminent who are i greater friends unit promoters of education than I i the Iforancemo I And IIIth Hint tile storage thriur Imamate uwut Ihl Banking vorta peclullj uniting the Ignorant and ruadlntt women la mlgral lo Utah are tmly 1 i 1I1t a by the uninformed and circulated 1i culated by deilgnliur larkahmill I Interested l I In detaining the Idllerday Hilnla such ala are rec4 > ed by people 1 dvvellliHt In out tt the way place I but III U a ahamo on tnlllori and other who have fillliliu fur learning the truth I to be repelling the Still aWl battered i tender of u perforation luio I Tile Hap I Ha-p la I wrongly l named U belongs lo Ihn stations age and the ruilillaju per I lod I II Iul wake lli I and rea 1 up or I It the Aballion qulIo alone |