Show i I JtVLKAL UllAMM JtUMJJltM Tomorrow April 27 Is tIle seventy V V fifth annlveriaty Dr the blttb or General Ulyacn H I Grunt mil tbe cccaelon la I to receive apeclal commemoration by Ibo unveil lot at New York ot a magnificent V itatue ot tbe warrior ataleemao and the formal turnln over ot the monument monu-ment by the Grant memorial committee commit-tee to New York In behalf ot V V the public It In I flttlnj that V the whole nation should remem br this great leader WilD 4 V came to thu trout it au oslrmI critical time lu the ountryi history and wh never wavered la tbe high I V V p01101 duly which be occupied And t It li appropriate further tbat 10 Ike largest oily 01 the laud them should I ban bOlD eoooted a ollabl moou VVf V mol to Jomlo coming GoorlIo 01 tbe accomplishment of this dlitln I gulibed cHizn lu tbe perloJ ol na it lionel bllory when lie look ocUv t V part General Grant Jill nw the V I light of mortality lu a bumble I V V borne In Onto on April 27 1822 and from his boyhood diV di-V V 1 played Ibo aturuy qualltlea of fade penitence and Bill ojnllol that brought V I him lore era lu later life As a young man he received military training and dlstlngulibed hliniilt ae a not tier V in behalf if hit country at Palo Alto Beam do la Films Monterey Cbuiu buico and Chapultepec In the Mexican V Mexi-can war Ills later eminent aervlcoa inV V i V and at the bead ol the Union army V V and it chief rnaglelrateol the nation V V = tot eIght yesle are Ode of blteey i tbal should be kMWO 10 every Amerl Vfi l V can boy And bin memory ebould be i1jtft I nJ and will bo revered lor the paiilotliin Ibo courag the perseverance stool ability which be displayed in some ol the most reipontlble poallloni where a 1 V aoldler and a itateimau cculd be V V placed lIooor and rreoc 10 the VI memory ol UlyiaisB Grant re one of 13 V the chief ol tile Itepubllce great MO |