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Show i a Talk With Philip ID. Armour. i j -Ill" K"i'"- 'll"',1"', MiH"U.;' 1 Al'"" ' ' UH-nir.. I "i-i'iiM- MiiUin i ' : i H i l i A KiUtititArmMttttmmtnJtk Armtut Inn ' ''' I.f. .-! ILhUho fftnl-M AimCHt K,yi '.." ' " " - i Hi Snt M '" " "'" '' C'-'' -. . .hinnUotkttJ II i lit K'jotmci ,.' .':im... A- ..'(, W C-fu'i fir f-nlifr ,!. ' '. .!. ; Art tn,Nt H'i'-H' Mtlr Ih' .' '""'' Un'i-Wl .l . IlKtrAtttmnl' Mr r ' '"" "r-itmalkt "r-itmalkt Ho!'"' l'"t "''i' m ''''" """ I ! felia Stn- J HfMllM,IHll 'r"1 tari'.iitar.l atrial tormraittnra illw Ciiu oo. May, urn. t . jf MKT MR. U. C-'iirS Ainwir. At rich- "7 ellfjM thK-aito ml Ho 1 Jt 'ivJKv " SimUy ;?v tj; -"noon- 1 hi1 8one out to ' Armuur Mlfaion ( to attend the service with Hie Kev. i ft, Frank V. Ounsaulua, tha paatnr j ot the I'lymouih CongreiAtional Cliucli, ' and wii waning tor ihf oprnina; wlirn Ut, broail houliirret), lulMormetl man ol ihoot uity. came in ami took scat t my aide, 'I'M "-an bad an enormoiii head, tabid. wa vtnr bald at the tup. lib fact wai oo-i, hi-.iorehia.l wai high ami fell and hia jaw .Iron thai of Pritxt liumarck. Ho bad a clear blat tyt, compUilon fair lo rosined and hat buthy ski whuktra were ol bright rtd. Ht wort black clot he , and wai wall but simply dretKd. Thtrt wa Mthing in hia amre, in tart, to dhv tloguMii bun from th rtil ol the ptople prtaent, and It waa only (torn having atcn bla photograph! that I wai able to rtcofliHtn him iht nottd Philip 1). Amour. Ht not bla ovtreott on the bark ol tht aeat, aat duwo and lookrd wiihwhatatemediomt to ht decided pleasure vpoo the crowd which wa lait packing (he hall. Thtrt were at least i.jouptoplt in tht bouie. Itoyi and gtrla, young men and women, were mov lag rapidly about getting their teat a. The uahen wert making plai.ee lor the airangere. The mint ot the people aecmed to know one a noil it r, and a gen j etaliir of good ftllowahip prevailed. Phil Armour'i presence waa by no meant an umiiual thing. He comes to j the miuiun aervkes tvtry afternoon, and ' from bit retired aeat in tht back of the ball be wemed to attract no attention whatever. Twice an uitier rapidly paaatd urn and each lima i btard him S-ak out ' ' -llt vinct the lnt :tjr. g-1 Mir ;i tnm buulc.'1 I I'.ulthe k!l '' hear him i.n.l wr lit on. I notl " 11 Annum sc-mM lo know iu.iv ul young pnoplt ! tut. How ' ii"1 lV ri'1 ""'k h4in!a Hid btni anil tut one apert d tu be airald c tm ! ltIR AMiO I MliMi.N SU INtlilrri:. Ilcloft I five my Ulk with Mr. Armuur, Ul l -to wy one word about ttii rnii-nr l turn and tht Ar niour -nKtil"i' tl Inliiiiir. Tup hyl i bro! f, tut Im l-een a.Metl i h? him, and ; a it ar l itie Jnmiiie lie hat alroa'K Krm more than ,-. I It taken li.illi -,-"0 Vtr.ir tu ki , p the luttitwf mrmiiit. ami it if uiwti out what prrliat, the tpt tfin ut education .ith- I intcl Mate. Aliout evcil hum f J tun aittl girl4, young men and ettiK woimn uieiinmt r-lur-ted in it, arJH . mi l.irl, a t.ire i:.llrnp taught by tre 1 t ol tu,i.r Mnd tiuipeil ail onir ol tin- lm"t me chamcal a!l!lrr Uli(aniii that uu will ttnd mine irld. Ilirpl.ui ot the inatituliuii suuntmieil one .Sunday in a sermon by Dr. iitiiis4i.lii, and .tt tin cluan Mr. rniour imr tu Iht doriur am) miiI tati he hcliaved in In Nrhrme, and that Imuuld upply the money (or euch an iniiiution it lip would ukp charge ol ii at it prenitlent. I might nuke a leturcn ttie iitiiute Jlone, lut 1 ran only uf that it4 icni cl eilura-thm eilura-thm ii ao flit tht ii,c tu h uitiot ;.t.trd not to aeocthrir ! lo it, while the rhargea ait to low ttmt the poorer cUki of ifu'Jrcn are att to conic, lly it Armour u aiding in biingng the peofilt of lb avenue and the alley toKclher arvi in tint t- hool the rch and the poor tit treated alike lie do not believe ntorianiiit, ami tto i hit meant ti uim in loiinlprauiOK Utr Iheunea adttxatrd by dovernor Alteld and the anarfhitl. Ihe chuol It tnoi oughly prarti tl. In addition lo givnig all the advtfiUKf ul a hrit-i la rullrp, it itaa a co.iik tciiuol, a nullnery and dreatmakiBj t-rj aiinirnl, bl.ick 'tnuliing and wootlofurn; kIio4 auJ uih oilier brancltra at will enable a oung hoy oi girl lo Itaratlnioit any tratle wdtmi it A large n-siLer ol young men and women are oukiug muiiry out of the training wrnh Itiry Iimvc gotten there. 1 ramaniotr Hitlilai.k-eed girl ol about tiKhlceu, aauitopppu and fliixik baiul wuh Mr Armgur a the pataed by. Ah ane leit he Urnd to me and Midi "That girl ia the dublcr ol the cook ol one I i.i m. i (i, air' l.oteU. Sl.r t now tn H'-g I a xk in a milmeiv '-tl'i n. 1 ni'i.t When .hntnir In llir n-n'.utr -ir ltd aplare w..p,r -.h- .i M.rkniK n.i f . a uek. hut she It uhp.I .. ; H..H ieie. and t,., it mm Riiimga , fco-l ,.rv." M. Armour thn pointed out .;nr . 1'u. in tiic mi'mu who 'M ic iintiig 1 cpMliv welt, win) a hp di'l s I , ! "I 'houiri think. Mr. Aitnour tint y aotdtl-ereue ninth tlp.imire :roni tl r ; work tt Ml ., mng ,,n he..-. II mu t he ' a Rre.d haii ( i on to ' in kniw thai j u r.u do tome good Thi n-o hr a good (lung to tlm.k hot it w'icii qu want to MiigMt night." 1 Wv'rrp!ird Mr. Armour, "I think I I n KetJiiig a ftood profit ut ol tin in-. in-. MtiHii.n. I inmtidrr tin a ymii i t'-r I crnt mvplinf nt IknoiAlhit I c l the I worth ol my mon out ot it every Min 1 day. W, I .m itr Hie imcMment ntia me hi !itttartton alone more th in I "M t rich mn Irav? w h mptni'nti j until l hey are dead," M.d I. ei, I kndw th.il." repiiPd Mr Armour, Ar-mour, "hut ihpv make a no t-ikr. So. ti artmn i hud huinev. ,- for mr. I if. Iprlodolhewora now. It i h .iprr, you know, It aavra ttie ruinn m-hii s, and i give a man a rlunrt to ku k il In plant ate not earned out a they thould be." nifcxkih Mk MAKi.ts in nir ' in i. At tin moment (he hpivmch hriin and our conveikaiion ttopped. t "ti-tinued "ti-tinued if, howevrr, the net 0 iy nt Mi. Aimoui aollne. I had noln rd that thr Minority ol ll.n people at tin iiu iun trrviiia wrie tlit'dirn. I tch-rri-d to Una la.t dunngyiiy talk, and with Mr. " e. the duel otiect of the Arnnmr Mii hi it lo do good lor the chihlrrn. I don I rate n.uih (oi thr old tnvu and the h.irdenrd inurv. I don't think )oii can do mutii with the onedeyKid, out-eyrd out-eyrd druukaid who lies in the gMtrr, and 1 tell the prra tirra they on lit to tup over him Mnd IpI him go, .ind .ve the younr child who u playing on the tirevi. Sou can't nmku inuch out ol the old drunkard. Thaie it tome mar gin in the child. '1 lie mutt important time in hie it btlore ihr age ol twelve, nd the tmpieMlnne gotten before that lime aie the mutt tailing. ' NHL AKMOI R ANU TUB 1KI Ai Ml IH. "How alt jut religion.Mr. Armour, you don't ttfrtn lo believe much m Ihe ciiuri he' -Va, 1 do.'1 wat the reply. "I believe be-lieve in Idem, I nit there are many pro pie whom you can rearh bet ouitnlcof the cnurchea. 1 don't think miif it ol the caM iron kind ol religion--! mran lh hell lire and the brim-ton kind. When the nmun waa lntt aiartrd I til tt in tliarjte ot a prradier ot tin kind. He win Sroti lunau. When I eng..K. ed titm I waa about loleave lietr lu Utte a lour ol antne montha. 1 hu hrt thing 1 aked him wa aa lo whether lie could ttiK. He mraiglileiiPil himtelf up. in lUtrd hit thptt and aid, Muat try me.' 1 Imd apparently hit upon hi mruighoht, and 1 taw that he thought tie wan uotl al tinging d he wat good lor anylinng. I wanted a tfotxl ningcr a well u a oud preacher, and I engaged him. I le tt ihe mitiion in tut cluirye. hni 1 renin. rd 1 went out lo attend the rvii-e, 1 entered the hall wtirn the preacher wa in ihe midtt ol hit lermun. He wa i barging up and down the platform, and uu could aee the lurid iUiucm ot lie.) I and Miicll tlie bnnittoue in hit evt-iy sriitencc. It wat a hue piece cf word painiini;, but it did not ueate the tm- irr.vmn 1 thought we needed. When' he had rlm.'d I Mked him to rail nun-i nir t thp i '1 tin- ni:tt day. aa Unnl i 1 I to Imv.- a t.ilk vith htm. H4 ran.r. i and I aat "Sim. Mr. I'.l.iiik. I hp.ird ooi vrr I mon velrn!av II wai a veiy good ! ciinu.1torM.m.pU.c.lt.Uititnol ,u.l jwhaii v...,u jor th.j( i w..ni I w.nii you to gel ome tittle hi dien onto I tlMt pLit'ofn. 1 vunl thrni to in r I c.n he r- liiou oi.p. but I wm the j rhiidren lo m.i ke up the urenter p.trt of ll.o mv:rc A I aid thm Hu- k-j. Ur t lot ki- I at me in a rather angrv a.iy A'ter .i mom- nl he ta d. " 'Now, Mr. Armour ,iherr Is no doubt in my mind tint vmi know nil about I otk, t ut I don t think you know very mum ai out ttligmi,.- "I l.iugi.ed. inn I answered. 'Well, I Mr. It.,i;k I ilii: k 1 k: ox uhit I waul. and I want t.. I , ,.v vi:cltier )uit will what I war.t . oik-.' Itir .r.-ach.t j thought a ninmnii mid then r- pile J ll t llut he h.id alil'pb'lniit s.li't1"''! I that Ii" Ind Ht ! -a t '.i" Innnlrrd chil'L rt tt on lUt- pUiitunii He in. rented ihv niimn-r evcy .S.md ,, and in a thori htnr he ImiI ih' I- inn iiinnint in gun.) hip,. lie t,y,d with ut lor luii.e in,,-. hH.u- hp Int he c.hed in to aay good i., and t tint time 1.0 tatd. " I uitnt t'i t'mnk ynki, Mr. Armour, lorwh.it (Uli.ve 'ouelui rrr-in cou-nr cou-nr Hon wbn the miiou. N on h ue gtvrii mr a nr knMuledKe l ht.tlMtl mime. I ' an ptMli.il my theory wa wi.imk, Mitd It' tl in. re an ottn-r w it o' dbii.g nojtl than my own.'' ' nu have no rhuri h organiatiun .it thr mi- on. ' Mid I. "No," w.i thr reply. "The chiel trji.hi.- 1 liiivr h.td it tokrep out luc tiiirih".. I r. Milne, wtio it at ihe head of the miaiou, would like to nave a churci uraiii4tiou, tint I don't want it. Our people can join oltirr churcrn-a I il lliry wih io, but 1 think auih an I org.iniahon wnuld hurt our uu-iulnt-t, i ll'ii w dun'tnike any gieut pic tctiiiun. We don t oiler lu give e(t- ; Hung in the way of taivabou. All that i wo .iitu to ilo i to give tixtccil ouiKca ! to ihe i I'tlitil and oik. hundred ccuU on theihl.ir. WIkii wv bipiut we lcl that wc tan ue a linger boal or a ditlt-pan ditlt-pan jtj-t aa well aa a nit glaita jar or an 1 umntii.,n vat. It it I he tact, and not the mean, that we want ' 'Now. Mr. Armour, ' aaid I, "1 am going to auk ou a pertoiial iirttiun. it it one v ied naked Ml Connection with minium. I w.int tu know whether ou are a Chriitian." Mr. Aim..ut thought a moment and then ri-t'hcd: ''I am not a ChiutNn in the ac-ne tl heiiij; a incmtter ol ttie ihurch, but 1 behute in (. hiiihamiv. I bvlicve itit'hritt rattier tti.in cired. 1 go to ttiurcli and my but have been t)roiichl up lo go to church. 1 know . that they wtnt wiien they were young. I mu aiiaid they dn't g .it mu. h at j they should now. Tne i liurcnet are all 1 nkht,atul I think the cluter a nun kecpt In ttiem the better. It matt- little dilltrreiue lo me, however, at to tlie minor paitt ol the dillcrcut doctrinea whitn the iliuuhct ptolea, and I Hung tnat there it about an cUal cliaiiie lor the Catliohra and I'ruEesiaina, that tiiry are each on the right road lu htaven "You were ipenkmg ol your boyt, Mr. Armour. How attout them; are (h(-y Kood butinew mtnf , "1 itnnk t-o,'' taid Mr. Atmour, at a imde ol conauout pride came acrow hit i' r ' Mv tN) Air. yt'M know. in rartnert I h v !" niovt o( the bntnet iumv And all I nave to do it to tit hrc a id kn.k now .Hid llirii.' )! conve-i.Wini hrre turnrd If.. -. m:.V'oii to I..i.i;..i, au.I I a.kr, Mr. Aimuiir howl): nas .tble lo handle an tt;' million dfiitik' f "..,..,. o a vi nr ; wiih tin h apparent eaie, ile replied ' 'It i almoM aiioKpih-r amatur ut oriiriiation. Imake it m point to pel I Kood mm about ni I take men wnin tl '-f arc oiing and I eep them Mi'-t 41 f I lot g a I tan. Neailv all of Ihe mm vmi tee here have grown up wr.h nu.-. j Many of ihem hue worked with net lot twriity ypi . I ley lave lartd in .t j low ttagvi and have, been tteadity ad vanred until Hkv have reached the hi hut potdion whi'h their fapaniy alh." "How about the . Inner fof ung , n eti, Mr. Annmir-'a.d I. "Are he i. good ti .lay u-ih' v were when jou e. I think w.i the reply. ' "Ihe o.l.li!..ii..niriiiK every day, ami j new heMt aie ct-'aiiily opening. We i h.i new ideas n nveninm-, new method t,; nianiitu tore and n-w way. j to do ev.-rvhiiiK Ihrte I lent v o' loom (or a'nv man who t ali d am thing ; wil. The clt-itrx a: Held it a woi.deriul one. 'Ihnr are other tning cpi iMy go d, and the cht man it nevt iata lu. tor an nppoi iinntv ' "Aie there ati rrlea I v the toln in f whi h a man m i becomr tu h.1' tail "Vet, rephe I Mr. Armuir, "pro vid'-d the nun hut aotne al ihiy to ttart w th. Il n nmti i thi ill v , hnit't and economual there ia ru ie.ton why the hoiilti ni.t attain 'called mafU in hie." " I o wtiat do vou attribute our won der ul ,.,1,1 I. ' I think that limit and ecor.omv have had murh to do with it." aid Mr. Armour "I owe unich to my moihr'a traiiurg and to a kkk line ol S ouh ' artreiora, who have alway been thtilty and eronomir.i'. At to my Iiumih'i educaiion, I never had am. 1 am, in lart, a good deal like Topay. 'I iel HICM IK.N y.JULS, HOT MAlik, "Mut. Mr.Aruijnr.it not thit matter of money-nukim; i i a large extent an inherited talin' Are not rich men. after all, lorn rather than made'" "Vet, I think they ate." replied Mr. Arm-air. ''The ower of nuking and Bccuinu ating money and ol handling large allaira are at much natural giltt at are ihose of a tmger or an artlt I hnlt and butinet hahita aid in Ihe titilia itiun and Uifvelopmenl of itie power. I he germt of Ihe power mul be in the man. Take, for instance, ttie pejple, we havp working for ut. i can get million ul go.nl thjek-keepert or aicuuntauU, hut no more than rive men in a hundttd ul ad Ihoae I have empbyed, have been great tucxtairt at organlieit and traders. " w ah A .nu a raoifcciivi. lAfciir. "How bout w .get. Will Ihey not Irom now nil be on ihe decline'' 1 asked. "1 don't think that waget have fallen to anv eatent," repheir Mr. Armour. "vYagea are lo a large extent deieudent upon certain condition. Tliev are tub jret lo tlie time. T tic v cannot be in created when timet are nard, and Ihey canuol rite above the level ot their ponhilitiee. In order for them to hold their own and to go upward we mutt have a protective land, l int it, I be Vie, ihe true tin-nunl polirv of the ( lilted Slater At to the ln rttsed tav alion throiii'h tne tariM.the advatu e that ! the lalHirni ntti pa t.r what he ut i .i b'alelle a compaii-d with the It doe not amount to one per cent, j hehrvt- wt-CAU I' aft. a Ko d dtallioill theioi- l ion MMlarliouaol the people ol l.ir.ne. Take t rance, the .s the Itirif'iett and ri licit tt ad the huropran nations. Uo; t the have lite traded No. And why not? lit-, auhe -, e waul , the Itvih hman to yet jjood wect, and l ot tl,t Knglish and the (iernuim. We don't carj to help Ihe l.uropenn workman. work-man. Huinet .ind charity both begin ar hcriH. I beaeve in legislation lor America ami not lor l-.urope. I Iwlleve in hili wai;c. and hi);li waget for AlUt-MClll).'' Ill lil 'Run . TDK UltlK ONI S. ' llo'.v about nionopoliet in buinett, Mr Armotu' Are not the monopolies whiiii you and olhem have imutiout to the pe jple1'' "i tiniik not," wat the reply. ''I think lh.it the gnit ilcnarlmeitt tlore and em.ihl t'lmrtit-, turh a ihotp ol Armour .V I n., arv t ir the good ol the pe -plf. It i a qucttion ot tlie gieitet i good to Hip ,eaIet nutidxr. Why nhoiild the pe. pie pay luh pruet for the prtvib -e ul 'trrpmg any tmnd clatt ut mm a; work c can give b -Iter and tne.iptr nitat lo the people fian iliev can get anywhere rite- I he amal' butt hcrt cannot unttet Hand how wo do it. Tiiey appeal to Centre, and thev i ork comhine. Von ask then how titvy knoar it and they will repl) : ' Know it' Why, ol comae we know it! I'ti 1 1 Arnuiur it in It. Why. he drove "And how,' you atk, Mid he drive you out of butiiictt" And Ihe man invari.it lr rephrt. 'Why, he tohl me.it heapcr Pun 1 con d.' 'lint it the ime tioty you hear eveivwhere. Now, 1 wiitit io know it tint it not tor the good of the people, anj, it to, why thould it nut ex. " IllkV SA k Al l. Tilt: i too in r THK Vt-fcAL. I "hut do you tell meal cheaper and how do you do if" I a kvd. I win tell you," lepiicd Mr Armour, j "When iheuidmar) buuher killt hit am ! m.itt a great part ul the cow or hog govt i lo watte. In the packing houwt every I hit ol the animal it aaved. It U lac-I lac-I tiouily taid tint we tavt every hit ol the hog except hit Hucal. There are number cf different wutkt connei ted 1 with the packing oouae. Take, lor in 1 Hancc, our glue workt. We ue lu them every year watte tnateruU whkh to tht ordinary butrher would not be worth ,u,txx. We mix the waile with brain ana by acicntitic nunipu'.itiuii, tare and labor wc put it through ctrtam proceatet by which we turn the J -,0,010 worth of all, II into products whi'h we 1 can tell lor a million. Wa tend bonei by the hip load across Hie Pacific ; Ttie Japanese huy tlient and make but tona and carved work out ot them Why, tome ol our honea bring at mum at ,150 a ton. It it to with every atom of tne animal. CKir profits come out ol t!ie waaie, and it it Irom these piutitt that we can attord to tell better and cheaper meal than Ihe ordinary butcher We have at the tame t.me turn a large butinett that we cannot aMord tu tell a poor article, and wmle tht people get thcapt r meat they at the aame time get teller meat." It It IMS MRVIVAL til1 Til I. UTTBST. 'l luppott that it true, Mr. Atmour,'' I Mid I. "Inn what are the poorer butch. er io do' A Chi ago man vud to me trstrrd.iy that j on and fulltnnn and the derailment ttoiet were ilriving the m.i II lr v the earth." j "I dutt't think that it true,'' w-41 the reply. " 1 hit is a mighty big world and there are p'enty of other npi-ninps for l;iHiit anil muscle, Aa lu the 'tmall try,' loti must remember tnat buines l not tniion work. It it now and always hat been a ipiettion of the aurvival ol the fittest. At for ut, we don't claim to do butinett tor 1 htiitv. All we are trying to do it to rive tin teen ounces to the pound and 100 cenu on Ihe dollar.'' How about ttie timet, are thev going lobe better" "I think th.it Ihe limes will steadily improve Irom now on. 1 believe that we are at Utl on tne tip grade and that wt mil tlav there." |