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Show Wall Street Briefs KBW TORK. Feb. 10 (AP) Aeaoelatad Oaa and Electrls company Wedneaday reported re-ported for tha week ended rebruarr S lectio output of the syetam of 69.1147373 .WM' b2?n- mn '"crease of 15 par cast over tha correepondlns 1936 week. J. C. Penney tompinr, operatlnr a chain of department atoree tnrouahout the roun-VJti roun-VJti "aa reported January ealee of 815.928 - i.iw compared with 813.568.708 In Janu-ary. Janu-ary. 1936, a sm of 14.3 par cent. An offerlne of 86.O00OO0 of Holly Sugar corporation first mortttasa bonde waa made Wedneaday by a banklns aroup headed by Central Republle eompany. The bonds, 62 500,000 of whicb were due sen-ally, sen-ally, 1936 throujh 1942. and the remainder re-mainder In 1947 carried varylns Interset ratee, tha Ions term laeues bearlns 4 per cant. Part of ths procoeds will ba used to retire April 1 the company's entire funded debt and tha remainder for raduc tlon of bank loans Tha eonoerrt haa heedqusrtere at Colorado Spiinsa and owna 11 boot susar factonee hi California. Colorado. Colo-rado. Montana and Wyoming. Rl'SBEB TntW TORK. Feb. 10 (AP) Crude rubber rub-ber future, closed ateady. 11 to 21 pom I. SMi.' ."sreh. 2140 bid; May, 2149 2150: July. 21.49 bid Smoked ribbed spot, 31.41 nominal. fOMMODITr INDEX VKW TORK. F.b. 10 Tha Aasodated Preae welchted wholeeals price fades of 36 commodltlee Wedneaday declined to 89 52. Previous day. 69.87: week aro. 89.61: montu aso 96 25: year ago, 77.45. Ranse or recent years: 1937 1136 193.1 1633-16 Hlrt .... 90 42 89 22 74.64 .... --. 89 13 71 31 71.64 61.64 (1626 average equals 100.) I WASHINGTON. Fsb. 10 (API The Position Po-sition of the treasury on February 8 ,P?f."i,'ii. 116.333 067 30; oipon-llturea. 631.012,997 62: balance, 6 "658 90S 7- 811 3i oVs'iT" nclvu ta awota. .Ji'ti'l'.'. SifjS t1 "sr. sines July 1. 82 542 984.750 65: expenditures. 84 413-158 413-158 624 33. Including 61.711. 1S6.T31.04 of emergency expenditures- exeees of expendl-'.S'-J'i0.!74 07-"': '" debt. 814.. 560.793 841.15. a dacreaaa of 81.146. 944 25 over tha previous day: sold aaeeta 811.383.691.646 16, InoludUS 6162.536,. 945.39 of InacUve gold. , ' |