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Show a tect small Investors who nave suffered suf-fered losses through misjudging mining property. PROSPECTING CLASSTO OPEN In the old days, prospectors took their 'gold where they found It, but today those who would use scientific scien-tific mesns of tracking down ths eluelve metal can go to night school Monday in West high school, be-' be-' ginning at T:J0 p. m, will begin the J three-week course of ths Great American Prospectors' association, 1 taught Mondays, Wednesdays and . Fridays. 1 Given under supervision of the stats department of vocational edu-: edu-: cation, the classes will be taught by F. H. Gunnell, state tax com-. com-. mission geologist, with Frank P. Stewart, veteran prospector of the Alta mining district, ons of ths Instructors in practical demonstrations. demonstra-tions. Mr. Gunnell said the course Is designed to develop mineral resources re-sources of ths stats. Increase efficiency effi-ciency among prospectors and pro- |