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Show JACK STRAWS y Jack Schroeder Lot's Win First, Than Talk " Football fates movs in mysterious wsys snd hsve a peculiar - manner of humbling the most titanic of ths gridiron giant. Theea must be monotonous words to Denver university, for ia-,. stancs. Each season, at least for the pest three, greet things hsve been predicted for the Pioneers. These haven't been on hasty decisions .' but rather after studying ths Denver U. grid picture quits thoroughly., . Asd each year these same Pioneers hare fallen to Cele-rsds Cele-rsds A. ec M. in the opening game of the Skyline Six season. It takes hut this game, singularly, to sheer Dearer of its hypothetical hypo-thetical diadem before It kn had a chance to be adjusted for siss. Asd it csa be applied to Utah as well. The Redskins, feeling especially frisky at the start ef the sessea. venture out Into the cold, creel Pacific Cestt ceafereaca football world sad dack back wain. ' Fans were too "high" on the Utea after they hsd held Wash-ington Wash-ington to a 14-7 win. But ths battle with Oregon Slate was important for these tame fsns in order that stock could bo taken of the inexperience inex-perience and inconsistency on the Redskin squad. These Am Football Lessons Sure the Utei were beaten snd once quite bsdly. Bui from these defeats the Redskins hsve learned soma valuable lessons. One is simply thst football games are won by good blocking and tackling at well as by anything else. Aad those people who head Dearer the Skyllae Six crewn erea before the Ploawers bars hsd a chance to prove their mettle , must be gettiag a little discouraged, la the future maybe tha Dearer eleven will warm ap an a little toagher fee before tackling . ths Celersdo Rsau. Coach Iks Armstrong says ths Utah defense wss considerably mora faulty than ths offense in Ssturdsy's loss to Oregon SUte. O," "Our offense has improved slthough ws hsve a long way to go. However, we must work much harder on defense after whst happened Saturday. We've got to improve in every department tor the rest of the season." - r When asked how Oregon SUte compered with Washington, Ika believed the Huskies to hsve a better defense but the Beavers are stronger on offense. Utes Cot Boat Froth Talont Right off hsnd we'd ssy thst the University of Utah has ones ' -again corralled most of the best Utah prep football players in their freshman ranks. After watching s brief froth grid drill Monday it has become obvious thst the Uta greenlings are just about tops. Utah, far Instance, got John Bmnettl ef Jordan, Gordon Neiderhauaer ef Granite. Geae Plaga aad George D'Ambresie of Carboa; Jim Hill, Brlen Meoney, Clire Thomases sad Jerry Culle-toa Culle-toa of Judge Mraierial; Lvna Spiadler of Bex Elder, Kay Bern-sea Bern-sea aad Brace Soreassa ef Senta, George Yesles ef West, sad maay others. Also listed smong ths Utah froth sre nine lsds from the Chicago, I 111., vicinity. While the Utes got tha best ef the football players. BYU and Utah Stats didn't fall short ia tha wsy of freshman cagers. ' i Willott Coos BYU Ralph Willett and Jae Ballif ware the top gridders that enrolled st the Cougar school. However, there were a host of csgers hesded by Harold Christensen of B. Y. high, Loren Dunn of Tooele, Max Smith of American Fork, Lowell Taylor Of Davis snd Que Bailey of Snow. The Aggiea hauled ia David Aaderssa of Bear River and Darrell Tarter of Weber to IU cage ranks. Meantime. Utah State get Dave Msyae ef South high for football along with Jay Beyd ef South Cache. Bob N'ith of Bear River, Neil Hancey of Davis snd Glen San ford of Springville turned up st ths University of Utah with good basketball basket-ball intentions. Lex McKee, all-around athlete with especial track abilities, slso hss enrolled et Utah. |