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Show block with a hodgepodge of historic landmarks and modern buildings As a matter of fact that is much the problem, faced by the city aa a whole. It is well to preserve historic landmarks, but not in helter-skelter fashion which would leave visitors with a doubt in their minds whether old structures are landmarks land-marks or Just evidence of a decadent community. Historic Landmarks Or a Decadent City County Commissioner Robert L. - Cranmer says that county residents may be asked to' vote in November, 1950, on a proposal to build a new $2,000,000 tounty building. Mr. Cranmer says the present city and county building, constructed con-structed in 1894, is rapidly deteriorating. He suggests that a new county building be constructed on the south side of the present block, that the city build a new city hall on the north aide, with the old structure used until the new ones are ready. Presumably then the present pres-ent city snd county building would be torn down. i The furore over the proposal to tear down the old city hall on East First South street, however, makes it doubtful whether the city and county building will in fact be demolished. It might be decided by that time it Is such a historic landmark it, too, should be 'preserved. And if that is to be the decision, de-cision, then we must find another location loca-tion for any new city and county struc- turea. Wt cannot clutter up the whole |