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Show K14TOH l.ll III. I 'a II t aol.t I KIM. rnaalllin H I m Bnaeo Ifnelel l.ala) llalnra t'angeaaa. WAxltlNtiTiiN, l. C, Dei!, .1. Sena, lor ljudgc, Ol Maaaoliuaelta, today In tr.idooai trie f'diuwitig reeolutluu relative to the Monroe doctrinal lttolM,;, 1 hat Hie Cougrett of the United rHelra da'il It proer lo aetart, aa a principle lu teblcb the rigbta and ltilrata of Hi Uultod HtaUv era luvolvrd, that lb Amerloau O'titl-buta, O'titl-buta, by Ihu free and Ituependenl oilldltlon wtiicb llicy have aaauuied and maiiiialned, are bauotl irili not to le pnuelilered aa auhjecta for lullira colon xttlon by any l'.orupeeu power; ItiaiuvvU, 'i'hat we ahould conaljvr any alteinpton tholr part lo extend their eyatvm to ai y portion of tbta hinlaiiire aa denuwroiie lo our pear aud ee(ty. With the axiallug oolanie or detieuoenclaa of any Kurupeen power, we have not lulurlareu and tliall uot lulerlvr. but wltli guver. mcota win bav dclarad ibtlr lndl ll'iatic aud inaiulalntd II and whoa lndaaoduc w have on great to aUeratl.in, and ou Juel pilnclplvr, ackuowledgod, we could uot view auy In lerpoaltloo for the pnrpote ol oppreea. tug tbam or cntrolling In eoy other manner their dretiny by any l-.oripean IKiwor, in any other Itgiil tba aa a maiilfeaiatioii ot an uuttiMiidly ditpott linn towarda III United Htat, HaAiilveu, Trial lu aucordiuc wllh tl.M docirln la;d dowu by rrealdent Monroe, aa alatd In the preotdlug reaolutlune, the Untied Htatea deolarae 1'ial It prepiaet to maintain the prla clple embodied lo Ibal Uoolrlno, and will regard any Infrlogemeol of It, or any attempt on lb part of auy huro iean ov.r lo lak or acijuir new Ivrrltory un th Amaitan coutloent, wbetber under preteuce of boundary diaputea or niherwiee, aa an act of bot. Illlty lo the United Htatea. lUaolvvd, 'I'hat the 1'realdenft b r. riuaatrd to communtcat theae rvaolu. Ilona lo the governnieuta of all nallena Willi wbom we have relatione of amity aud ooiumero. |