Show AISTKI Vi STILL yUAUHILI tcliliirulli Again the scene of Rill Codurl 1nnaOet 29Iterr Teekort at 630 I tills morning Was still delllCrlng the speech which after n battle of word with Herr Wolrf the Gentian liberal leader anti Uproarious Icone In the Itelchsralh he was able to reinune at 1050 p m last night A little earlier this morning the social so-cial democrats demanded an adJournment adJourn-ment pointing out that the stenographers steno-graphers were overcome with fatigue This suggestion however vvaa greeted with an uproar The vice president and acting president Dr Kramarez there upon adjourned the house for ten minutes min-utes after which Herr Leckart recommenced recom-menced his speech Interruptions and co slant Applause from his own party followed lie concluded con-cluded at 9 oclook amid much tur bulence were then Two defeated etfbrts and at the adjournment Helchsrath was still sitting at noon The hubbub was then continued men talking slmul taneouslv After a series of violent scenes the acting president agreed to communleale to the ministers the decree de-cree of the llelchsrath that they attend the session A motion to go Into secret session was then carried and the gal I leries were cleared The open Session 01 the lower house was resumed at 6 oclock this evening and the pulllc was rpadrnltted to the A galleries There was ail jinmedlate renewal re-newal oC the aCn of violence and disorder The vice president became Involved In the dispute with the left ists who gathered upon the steps of the tribune Finally the sitting was suspended Immediately upon resumption the tumult tu-mult broke out again more violently than ever The vice president called up Herr Jedrezjowlez one of the Pol tell leaders to speak on the compromise bill The rightists cheered but the leftists set up n terrible din shouting and banging the desks no that the speaker was quite Inaudible Finally matters reached such a pitch nt excitement ex-citement land confusion that the vice president again suspended the sitting When the sitting was resumed ha declared It definitely cloied the announcement an-nouncement bOng greeted bj the leftists left-ists with triumphant cheers The members mem-bers then separated after a session of twentyseven hours |