Show I Fulpertar l II lului lUrr Heligoland June 113 n p mIirt I ty rnlur Otonla and Florida arrived ar-rived term I In the irder named In flip roc for tnptrr William roll rut which started June h from Doiir Knglan 1 Armful I and l Jullnnar ho I nol arrived The winner Hill nol to known until la lo owing to the Complicated handicap Uhl mass Tn loindon Juno flTh International comorms called for the purpose of takIng tak-Ing steps in SuPtrims uH 110cAlload hi Move tm otherwise the In ernational traffic In little opened hers tly under the PIIny nf the Duke of eetmlniter iin title I III WOhlnllton June IS0en OU rok Parts Ih following additional casual tioll mUn Thomas Andrews near TAR IInam 1 lllh U Wm Homin III Uoodn ai VAimpte river PuUIh InnlyN Jultimarlimps 20th I Corporal Ili Uonkl I WI H Coak O Daniel Iono > an K Cl ai lIp WOUNmU Second Oregon BI Nonagarary April 2 p Quarlermaiier H rgoant ChI II Ilrrrlnlon head slight Fourteenth InfanlryNrar Lno Pines anl llcpota Juno lOlli nil mi Lo First Ileui il n Unmeant leg I lIuh U lorry 1 I mory leg severe Ij Itobtrl Cryon hg severe I noch aluren ie Plight Twelfth mrantryU Wm a mill partly head l and hand l moderate John Ung shoulder moderate mo First MontanaBan Fernando tub C Warren Morrli shoulder illcht Charles 4 IIIbh thigh plight M I Wivld HlUer aWome several A Ser Meant leo U lloardman lip slight Jan c W C Dentil lluttock Uhl Twentieth Kanai M Wm Ick Uorth shoulder Polvere Bevunteenth Infantry 1 John Iltnuareau elbow altuhti Ilobrrt Ford I fool illghli c Sergeant James I Iuahlon IChl HIont lIUyn1 InC In-C David Wllln forearm moleratel I Nathan I lokIIO lung severe Charles 11 Lucas t 11101 lul H wurr finger Plight IC Corporal 14 It Cop1 n lillopets thigh meriere Fourth Infantry N4r DiallynAriniss 191bn Jamul Wag norface severe Frank llusx Jolt Ina I craft rrank Hulks thtxtl I trader mAo likertwort 11101 MUnn abdomen severe n W in Onlllly lice severe Thom r Chooton thigh saverel Clarence Star Can tn abdomen moderate WIIIIn n I I ny nm plight W C Iln nm light Artlpicer One DIIIN abdomen woveraft IC Chai 11 Xreolger former Uhll Chai A Iymo rat 11samism four me t It moI cor 1 fllph tihl dm I I I tiffiTf i trate n Ch Ill 1 a el lel n f Z d ti nul lout sss smnaafmi I w if Un I T Load nk a IVM 1110 3lrd Inhm M41 June 2tA IIpIb tothe nlort1 total 1111 says IAmn du 4 Frenchmen 100 Wnt OPT retool I proton to Intervene In 1Ilalf IT Of the H lfl enroll Prisoners In ill bh1 If the 1 has been tr jsrhtroujly murder 4 I ml famt1 Iuot Don r June V I was Announced l on rella0a > l Authority today that the |