Show MEN NEEDED FOR THE WAR I CithMlM Based m Cable AavkH tarn f Gmrsl Oft Italy lost II More soldier lleqnlred lo < 11 > lleglnieulall lllll plleitlllr V1111toorst 111110I fit lboulld ashlngton July lA C statrnnt was today given out by tile aojutant wo loo Iwd on b Advice from iln His regarding time numbr ot two nqulre1 to nil vacanclea In the Ir regular regiments now In the Philippine the ax liable for the innsports Ilbl pin of the volunteers and for tile transuortatlon inorn of fresh troops U the Philippines and in the dflr II will take to complete the work of enlistment 11k According to tlii Olla nj 1lmnl Aorlna required to fill up 1 the regular glmnls 0 and there r now flow volunteer to tin retutnwl to the United States Th quarurmlr department report that there are now at Manila transports port having lh capacity of tn officers and UI rllatd mtn Them ire now on the aa an rout to Manila four transports o wllh a capacity for 11 tor trianegurgowith otllcera and ua constant non At Han 01 two transports Tranclsco there are lrnrl which will sail this month with a o liaclly 1 1 olncei and IIM > listed men Hli transiuxla urn eta rout to Man Francisco with a capacity of IM olllnra and 4 IM nllted men Th oltv I liaiim il confidently believes the lust It tile volunteer will Wale Manila iwt IVLIwrewNtv to allim Otla HOI recruits and till r waltliw 01 Han Francisco This Ire only 1 47 men to be cnllled to fill I I un ion oils estimate and the dei rimnl fir they will be Secured by the close 1 of th present week |