Show A 13eC to wno Tho dog refused to be sworn It hd n tort of Quake rlUo simplicity and only affirmed but its testimony was fufll cloul to decide n cnse lu Justice Jl ir tills courtroom The nuinnl was n large stately and intelligent Irish setter After ths human hu-man litigants had each told hin talc the dog took the witness stand I Km who Is I your mjvtcrr slid L LJ Joy who had repkvlue the deg front I ml fnelcrlin a South Sido Hulexm keepc OIl Juno 20 The brute barked rang ant ef the witness chair and pawwl at the feet of Ly Tho animal then went throng h various perform aucett at the bidding of loy Including running ocrow the Sir d and back at his communet Tho dog would not act for the otherllligant tho court deeiekd that ho belonged to Loy Tho onlnnl wns then released from tho custody of Constable Roebuck Ho wagged his tail at tho judge and left ties courtrrorn < > with his IerChl eago NOli |