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Show V . -. . n . . . u i r "Unitcl T:r.:!.:icar.s" in Tlzll to Pretest c-i:t Ch-rch Elctaticn; Declaration Decla-ration cf Principles. The organization of the "United Republicans of Utah!' was completed at the residence of Briant 8.' Young yesterday afternoon by the election of the following officers: State and Executive Chairman Briant S. Young. : ' Vice-Chairman John Hayes. Secretary F. O. Horn. . Advisory Committee A. B. Irvine, j ( George C. Buckle, Judge George G. A ,...... Will r-ii.j t- 1 n .nrniBiruiiK, in rouinu, xvaymonu i. Naylor and John Q. Critchlow. Members of the organization claim that they will start out with a membership mem-bership of nearly 3000. partly, from Salt Lake county and the remainder from other counties in the State. After the election of officers the following fol-lowing declaration of principles was adopted by those present: Recognising that there now exists in the State of Utah a condition of affairs political unparalleled in any State in the Union, which condition is productive of much recrimination recrimina-tion among its eititens and which has more especially sundered those feelings of amity which should and must exist ia a State and its communities, we feel thst the time has come for such condition to change. Business interests, the right of self-government and all those things which make communities and individuals successful demsnd that such change should come. The Republican party hug ever been big enough and strong chough and inherently good enough to right every wrong in and out of the party and to deal in generosity with every menace that ever confronted a State or the Union. Believing; that conditiona prevail in Utah that jeopardize the peace, happiness and material welfare of the people of the State, the Republican party, to be true to its ideals, mutt meet and overcome these conditions. con-ditions. - Only action within the party can brine about such reeulta. and for that nnr- pose this organisation ia now effected. The party that tore the sanctity of law from the fabric of alavery and csused it to stand before the world as a crime asainst Christisnity, and made of the entaenrhed doe-trine doe-trine of State rights a glaring heresy and established in lieu thereof an indissoluble Union of the States, without aid of outside agencies, is able to cope with any aril that may confront the Republic or any portion of it. Therefore, while reaffirming and declaring our allegiance to the principles of the Republican Re-publican party, we reaffirm and indorse article arti-cle 1, section 4, Constitution of the State of Utah, ia ita entirety, aa follows: '' "Section 4. The rights of conscience shall neror be infringed. The State ahall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; there-of; no religious test shsll be required aa ?ualiflcation for any office of public trust or or any vote at any election; nor ahall any person be incompetent aa a witness or juror on aeeounf of religioua belief or the absence thereof. There shall be no union of church and State nor shall any church dominate the State or interfere with its functions. No public money or property shsll be appropriated appropri-ated for or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction or for the support of any ecclesiastical establishment. No property prop-erty qualification shsll be required of any person to vote or hold office, except as provided pro-vided in 'thla Constitution." We believe In the equality of man and the right to worship God recording to the dictates dic-tates of conscience. - We recognise that, as America! citisens, church leaders, aa well as lay members of church organisations, hsre a legal right to aspire to and hold political offices, but we deem It unwise and' detrimental to the best interests of the Stat for high churchmen of any denomination to become candidatea for surh office or use their ecclesiastical influence in-fluence in behalf of others. We believe that such action it contrary to the spirit of the constitutionsl proTision above quoted, and further, that it-endangers the existence of political parties and tendt to disintegrate the chnrchea themselves and array man againet man by arousing religious prejudices. To the end that the constitutions! provision provis-ion above quoted shall become a living law and that the principles indicated therein shall govern the actiona of the Republican party in the Bute of Utah, we, the "United Republicans of Utah." pledge our every effort ef-fort to the accomplishment of surh purpose. |