Show Note And It n < 4 Collier of Salt lake H n Plovo visitor The grand jury 1111 tile nlum Yesterday afternoon Cnptoln J H Droste of St Louis li at tho Hotel Uoberts Editor Poster of Living Issues Vas a Provo visitor yesterday lllder C n Jones of the Second ward has left on a nilxlson to tile Southern States Mr teller Harding nnl Miss Sarah n III lay of the Third word will be married mar-ried Friday April 20111 Jos Hatch of Heber Is I In Provo disposing dis-posing of hit wool clip MlM Hatch Is I accompanying her father Mrs IMlth Martins students will give n Piano recital at the IIrlffham Young Academy Monday aUeoon The school trustees of Pajson hoc decided to continue the school for only four nocks longer on occount ot lack of funds limit Maeser has been engaged to go to Thatcher Arizona to take charge of the Stake academy there The school Year commences In September Mrs Man Tarrer Mlfe of Thomas Fdrrer or the First ward han been our fording from mental derangement for name weeks lnl and Yesterday her relations decided to hoe her committed tit the alum for treatment The exam ex-am I nation wras to come up today 111 Hanion et ol have located Utah Klondike mining claim and Nets Peter sun the Utah Klondike No2 situated 1 In Iayune Canyon Utah County The Asphaltum Queen also In Kayune canyon can-yon has been 100aled by Ray Lund Sheitff Storrw returned from Lake fhore last I evening with Hose llrafih a woman of that place Indicted I by the grand Jury far fornication Elder Oscar W Iljnt of the Second wurd who left some time ago to nil a mission to England has written to Mrs Hyde from New York where he and companions arrived safely He relates re-lates a pleasant experience In meeting with Brother T C Thompson of the Fourth ward vvhlle I travelling on the train Brother Thompson handed the ml lonary n 110 bill to aid him on his nay T 5 i |