Show F OUR NEIGHBORS JIOIKhm IDAHO llorkUniliriirri and Thrliln Hard 1 I one I Mooed 4 1 1001 Special CnIHpondn Ilocklanl Idaho rhpl Ilockland I a narrow I about twenty I mlloa lone I ami In avera e or alnul one mile wide la I wl watered from a mountain Ireatn 011 1 lock I reek Th plM waa Aral Mll d In the Year 1UJ by peopi I rroniPiirmlrmton and Call Port luinlder ninly Mul wan rjanlln In OIL ward i 1UI by ITIJnl I Ixjronau Knew and It aH apart an Illnhop lasso Tburnv WIB Andrew Alln owl W W Itowaril aaloufllora The ward well finches lu Ald r then to Malad Stake iidln IIM WAS attached to the Italat I I lie 0 l or Zion liiahi p Thorn and hla I cojnaalofa a allll ooiui4lnc their pnlll I ii Thl llttlavalKtr la I dluiiliil uron R don Station miles aouthWMt from American I Mia and Ii reached by a tag line Ihlch Carries a dally mall There la I alto a tetophon d Then r About 14 wople 1 InchidlMC ihlldren In the talbr Amon ihe number asest I most n 4 n lonnon faralllea but all live In harmony and the t peopl lot have the 111 r day taint Pair vas allend lo their rellBloua film In burylnc the dead tin Tin Ite104 i < Cam all wen to dot liavln law rnmhH Their nrlncllnl I crop Iii Ii-I faucet 1 SawP OnlI all abundarsolow lot th lancet frtabla and small fruit Tat aaon la I hurt Iraos Impose oT hep lntn tn numlnrlnc o thiitiMinit hem thiy state a horn maik t for Ihrl LAY at it hither Heart than In Utah There r nwiy twat ami nilMtanllal liolncn logo fly aohool < Wattle I and a line I new rlrk I thereof whlrh coat HMO The Tounir lAdles atxl Irimary again 110 reevrottl folverold L sale 01ollit I he new i ri A floor Sunday othool an1 1 all the rhiirh organliallona are well attended bnlt I by our oung temple and nonMnrmoni About a yr atfo n ambient was Opened In I aide praraful mminuntly and whisky So I ste Kreat a disturbing element her ai tie tie lain writing the foregoing I hAf learned that throe men led Meadow Creek Rental of tlllmore Ulan torn time ago and Started 1 for > rru > n prime iwllng for harlot toil I their way and came upon aide long I narrow Valley like his appearance 1 an1 mad their home hre Uood iMllh lleare i ami prosperity reign aupntme her There at non liter tnnufh lo ak for charity from rllher Chirch or State |