Show MGKinlBtl is RIBMill 1 But tho Democratic National Com 1 niittco Still Hope KENTUCKY AND INDIANA IN DOUBT Complete Returns Still Lacking Iu ho Result is Reasonably Hear SENATE IN DOUBT HOUSE REPUBLICAN fh lUptlilcini line IrdlJmliDd lloutr and 1roliililr til Studies life II Miami > High Iroliclln litlir CHICAGO NOT 4Tb returns from tie entire country alilouib Incomplete In-complete lotus state are ol a uilur It Intura the iliclljn of McKlnley A I unlclnl number slates have do cned for Iba Itipubllcau parly to make certain tit votes In The electoral college for III loader The stated h3ie Din ata turafor him are ai luilnwn iiirrau M 0a = a as I Ill ti 1 o4lefI 7 I So is I a I = M = 3 Pikkids a I tiiiJ 1 Pnallrk y = A at A t = = 21 t914 ftll off i no will lbakoLL = 4 Vo9 I I 11 wlemal H Tow M rbllu Ilia lOW lulrodor losturoo I ants lu serum trovects LOTS 110 a gulp I ID to liidn of bolb plllllCll IIIIM 1 The Now Kuglind states bate I ai was 110ted given heavy plurallllM lit McKlnley without eicenlon The lltputllcin ticket was IUICMUUI In MiiicLutelt beyond what woo cliiroed fur It by the moil motion 61 Patio ploihel 01 Ittpubllcau iuoca r New Yolk rod IenuiylTaola tied with pact other for tile largetl plural III and the figures at band dO 001 ID dical wblcli one of them boo our und The other Iich ilila has I lltin the Itetubllon candldat a I plurality Inlwiaa 1 175000 and ISO I 000 To these states linuAs It a giud Ibltd In lltputllly for the winning candidate Iltbe Wood Usage nf pain I our Ibe prieldenllal I election of Wi fl I i Ihitbiiajfir beau nialnlaluid I cuts tlnutaluiba and It will vivo a plural liy of net far front 179000 In She I gubernatorial race Alltld rise I bun tidlf Ualn 1 tut ll I lilt burld ao dowl l anl li probably about 8000 < I abem of Iba Dimoirallo national ticket Three line I beau evidently 1 a liria I Tola out through lha ilila 1 for lltKluley and AlltalU 4111U1102 Idiom If any ot The rules for lllluiallng the Toluol a Hale which liTiouitolba I protests election held toed age HIM lu be l rilled upon little JuIIDeAllon for ills Democratic claims of having carried breeder I II the latin ot llepubllcan galueeuntln bii lo Iba auks of tile count McKlnley will blta PIoallnII OOOO Intel apt roxliualelyVOOUO llutll liy I In I file elite Ali Iowa ai far ai can ba earn from Ilia return al rnent The Republican I Ilurolll had IwiiTery large uol lar either way from 75000 I Ohio rhlch lui all along bn clalluea fly casituion I Joao as a state f lbL Inwblcb I llryan WI pulls StelCia I ley I very cluer 1 has given The llUt > licau Catillidats so overwhelming Ilurollll lu aheblaD the election hal Result ad Ina very heavily graucoi veto cal Id t Il > ubiicin tlckal I U flea ellTer laitjiol Detroit cuiicaila the state lo Md Nobody by 15000 Tbu Ian pr < TlouiTOIeln tile stale woo III Abu I When Aloortllae Itpublican can lit date lotgallarcthe iinreina court bid a 1luIII 01 71131 yr Ills lietor Yeii Virginia li I loifidently clilmtdby Iba llepublloani nn I tba ibilimanof the Diuiooratlo commit too has conceded the elate to Me Klnlfy Teuuiiua presents earn Inletcitlog liiluitiol trio cimpilgu Patterson U191101d standard Dimucrallo cindl oat nO Conme lu Ibo city ot Mini tbli I li running nack suit 1 urok with bl I np 0 rival and lha iltlcll count III L I Claosly 10 decide blwD In cal lb state lllIgl 16 clmd by both I allift and because 01 Ibo length 01 Ibo Slow Ibo > lIuroo ar mlll In 00 j Slowly that 1 neither old Passed entirely IJ f Justillied Ia C1111111i So thoollutogal I Tole I wit 0DDdD0 oUb 140 Islas Is I 0110111 by both Partial bu No la Tennessee I gas IS 4 Intel ate very slow and notleflaitec2 cluilon ii I possible at Perfect Mouth Carolina Uutili MlttlllplI 1 Alabama and Ixmllliua irr all for llryan br about Iba normal Dime orailoroiloilllii lha Virginia elecliri will without question Lot lot 110 b1 they have 1 ID Itcltd I by It btavllf Reduced I Vuouno vote The Iltiuullcani lut aUuilltiiil all Slope at Tu mud the 11 to Son Cellos to llryan The funou between t be ropulliuainl Itcpuolleani In this Hal did Doll plot a success Nibraika has itoua lor llrfin not withstanding the Hepullloau control bulKiceaihaiaiyl Asia I inatfleally Dolbloll Ill Illume show Demorrallo going in home IIIIlIlcl sea goals off oDielby 1 Republican aging I II lu that Iartiof I lhatiali train prtleeclaim I Iba Hate tilt the few ecatleilng r luru mat alto 10 I se for Mol lalndtfl nil a nature aa ta mh aty clilmr romalir by whom made of a ttry uufrriam chancier Wiicontln I Ii rule for the llernbllcan J IteflublIcan columu by an uormoui plurality 1 Mluneiota wblcb Was regarded ai Utuntful by both Settler hat mt rlied tttybjJy by The else of She lltpubll can lummy I I IDtJ MtKluley will have aiprullruatelr MIKKI lo IOTOI local yoieilu the told than Ilryau Uoter Dor ClolIb whor election wal cou ildirid UoulUul ll cellalnly elected The latest luformallcn front Iba two Dikoli1 ihowe fast Nerlh Diott It Try Sots for McKluly ant the ptoU tJ IfI t Itiru abilitylettlattiaugh I Dakota will ba IcuudlD ChI extra colilnic allbougb the latull so I elite Th Itepubllcaia claim Wyoming and VVathluglou seat glib rrobablllllei rem aalnil them In both elalei Ofeg In bat gone for McKlnley and Colorado hap al wag eipeolcd given Ilryau a boaTy ilutililj Ailiwt without I a diubl bad been elected governor gov-ernor rise I luteril In the 1000 In tbli ilala centered In the state tlcleti cf Which there Were several represent IOK a stoat variety ot Interests Ids bo I Montana Utah and NaTila bows III lODe for lityiiu by heavy Use jillitia Uillfotnli hit on the strength of the returns at baud undcubtdly gone lot MrKloley Delaware where the llepnbllcin party tills Uan rent In Iwiln bicauM of the Airdicks111gicInt fight list hu lu Ibo ltal iublieiu column Th yd fir the Ititubllcm electors In Ibl Hate bit beau mutually law show Inn the factioual 411uto did not > i loud lu any great niaiuia lo the na Stones lltkil The vote MirylauJ hn shown an Intnitliiil levitates from that of the hit plwldnllil IfCllou Cleveland nrrldtbrililabya plunllty of Va I ltd and ibis year McKloly has a ululllI 01 biliously nn lOUU lu tile cllyol Itilllmora alon IlllOAUu NUT 4HoUstor Jon issued ins following itilimint loulght I aides counted lion the iKgluulni Ike trio otlitte l l upon Which We ina upon for Mr llryan elections the Southern ilatir wliti Hi Volvo and file staits wool 11 I trio MIHOIIII with 011011 of 217 t have hoped we I wuuld cairy Indiana Mloblitiuaiu MIIIOIo 1 s vy I believe we have Carried Yirr Hombru fats rioipl Itarylin I and thai ua have cairlid all I of the WMlcrn stated heretofore countJ wlilcli IIITM ui not counlnie Dli were which think wa HaTaiiiriltd and wbllll I have not hlllofolacil I culald ou At volat Oua vote wa certainly have IS Delaware and proU ably I ttiue Hut counting only Uus vote which we bio beyond tloubtll loaves necessary lo a choice louiloin tulle llilnr Mlcbljn or Indiana would give ui those lourliau Tolii Tile r > loili 1 received br ui front both these ohlll ate 1000uIOIl ant land ui to flows that wbll bolO nalci am clot we have the Letter chine 10 win sorts told Wilt we Copy probably carry bIU fb 0 be ocarety > a doubt of Gut i Kliluic I Oaf Ili a Uudir tilts circuits itiucmU fertile In Inv that wa in cu Italy I juitlOid lu I oialulnii Ills I site llunol Mr Ilryau wblob I di and I UllT the Itnipir of Ibo people li such That they wilt nol allow their choice I lo ta oifialtd by tricks and Italia I rho statements load again I and lain In Sla oily pipli today Ibat I have ILITOU up file allots ADA dOlII nl tbt Mr llrytu li ditilnJ Indicate I illlbritaiurpoiaontb r All Of Ibl report at will ii llu riiubllcin mm Birr lo ernta f 01 t > impriiloni IDa Nlaud I T mID I do ol 1 be JZa I < nd to lud I gill lo Letters that iltKlnlryi tin 1 Ion ll I iroomptlibrJ and acquliieaJ 10 I I have DM for a mcmrnl at f I ulncid iDMrKlDlj ad tlicilon and will not until there li I a inititltl nI 0 1I0ru ahllIlC c3ndlll Ittalhil bfllyr Indiana and I probibly Mlthl an baia old for Mr llryan abd II tltbihai h Uto i J A > iu 1C JOKII Chilrratn Ai II by a pncoucefiJ inoytininl I tu r r II yiil I hundred leupe ilhtrid I Ill font of the Audltcilum annex l > floslit and oiaaniiid a rilinoiloo data 111ttallin oa the long hotUbalf India J Debt claim lliyini altciliii Th crowd leu ml a Itanipirnoy with mlculiy II bare Iba woron No 79 This Ties llryan iltclu Kn ucky MicbUin ludlin I Ujn liny wi I wli turpllid I wiiii tin bou and ratlin auJ I rocaJ J lo alike Ih night bUraui AI Democratic iijirliri II WM tlIHIiiatCblfcf 1jio ItiJnoeii ion Loan cobiultnl Over lug telephone that ba woo told Ibal this I wu an Im for 0 resists parade a d had given I yibil i I iitluiiileu Signs a landol the illTtr niu ulibl L I held I A plaloou ol 1x17 pairolwn wi miilJ lo glib Audllonuru and pionutljr Lrtka up lug iiatbrlut Ibis ImoTcr did out > < uoucu Ina blar of tu cliiiini 2 nu bay iM together Nigeria an hour later and uld to nan a Plains I See Jc Auolbr iluil ol unity ulictiucu aim liuiliilrdlbiiU II use K WaLburn chairman ot tile Chicago bleach of Iba To ullil natUu al caui sigh committee strong a Half loans l > iiul I btcUlniliE Ibat lltyiu bed eIII1I all Ills tutu wlul the Mliuuil and south ol the 1otiuiio which without Maryland and Dole or Nov nould give Stolen Ml loin A lIllIllo lull Iba Vulta l Indiana and Muhltau Loan which WIHUIU ciaiuiid tulj KITR liiyu lunlclul tili i lo Ibiuia bii I lcllno Cbalimiu Job > illb IVmocntlo niiloual ueuiuilllir and nallouil cum uilll im uC Dipm Dull Jobiiion lull acouliiucaabvutiioon today Caw all laid alletwoli the situation I baJ hot Ulat11olly c heated mud uo run turns would ba given out al violent Bciltr Ikiloid iiaicd ibu alirnouu llilUauullo k for lliyan U I not ao bright llrimialoluu diptujdou tea mull In Indiana and WI Virnlula tbtra bim < no further lisp itlohUn and ba adiullKd tile ntui llouln vest Vlrlui I wit uol healing but Hill felt co flight tons lliyan Dull early Ibilltoi UlKCliMATI O NOT 4Tb street bolas beau wlldbiralonUhl with IhoUiuJ ol iliujlitu UmocrU nialnblun Ublud a liour in which was Inscribed In Una Uiliitt llryu elected Wa will I not aaud U79 adialhl diHisatiKui I III NOT34001k tat Jams 01 111aive nallnal vo oiatlo taudldal fur 1ltlldnl gives I III loll wlull lUUuilut lotba Auto aij Iltn concirnlu 1110 mull of tall aliclloo II the Dtmocrala who voted for Mr llryan at tn lalaao llouddiowllu Ills knowladga that b aoif pird Iba lo4illtl pliliurm of Ib92 ai will ai little lUllofin alo lj aldl JJUli In I 1S90 Tea national liuiMracy will never ink an alliance alli-ance wlin Iba Populists I irdlci tri flags I I Mr 1 llryao Trio TUid i fir Waa Tirlu 1532 will soon abtudou trio Umocrllo Us tug llli cudidicy which waiatciimplaofunru Socialism won exploded bl The else lion of MoKluly as The late I alcclliin Tualituiiof tile ciutiti were dlo ltd lo the Chicago CJUTnllon by that etnibluitlou ol iiollllclni Hbo ate bullllbelll mud ably saullit iuccil They bid before the con Tullou inn ligatures tlui I lor the nouilualhu of Iba latuooaudUala by the 1opullilialHI lijuli Mr Bayou Ibibki lo The good novena Inkirlly of the American xotl Itdfiid Uinisorla know thaL1901fatloosat 0 Jt opubl eacocall II I I IlIr ul Alto inflammation unlllOlI1I 01116ge tl silver at 10 lu I will dIual Amllu monetary JIIII auks produce 100011 Inlcblll 11147 lifiveaccepladtlivionotalthe lwoevi 5 1 have Iruol ollblreoD duol Data tbauk Ilia lliniicrati wbu hn votodagallistIlly6o and AllrI woo ate tile 1I rutnuilTof I Urjit lunancy and racial diolarder80 MA146911LlON15Johi oillbr mau nay out Ibo fill avins giggled old 0011 Nriuvatt bole that glietleatlon will fine lorevot lit question Ib1 lu usyclintian Ihrulo the honowand good still of tile Undid shifted Users man any other office 1 Iba do of the cltll I wr couajnlly auuinlnir ai I do tilt election of tit XmIry 1 n1 I bo tLat the pltDI gold nindird will la malutalu I wltli the largest use oliver o-liver hot can la inaluuiuid al a pllly wlih gold Into illld 1118 OUlbl trompllllu Wall much changes in I or istur mud revenue few I as wait yield 11 umI1 guiltily vI money lu I late The coolant ufllolol Ills governments and creala oulllola Bat pluitoaytuiiUndln Loud wllhlu a law I Years and lu lutllcUnlly bud im parllaiiy poltl AWrIAD Industrial JOHN 1IIIIIUtalC MINNESOTA ZJiasmviu Allen NOV 5 rblnylour couLlln caulplete Sea trio rrolndrrf SI ctllmiled clootlY live MrlClnlep I 43 naI pluialllyaud Cluugb for governor 111116 OHIO CINCINNATI Oalj HOT BAD official l count gives John llinn Dim octal US In trio Staged dlnrlot over It M Ntlu fur Couiiatr Dtuocriu also olilui tba election of J J Innl nn oTr U 1C Wbbou lu I the Iwlitb dlilriol Iba lUpublicaci couedv tea CUPIIU In The fourth flflu Iblllcuth mud fntiulli dllllluli lo Dmor Tug Delta ocra to have only two mote Lose from Ohio In um I Stoves Coat letter Itaputilloolls say tug Change 10 I due fusion the IJpu list vol o70 uuu lost year going with the Uiubrrat This Year Nellie McKluly role early This ruoruluK appearlug I entirely roaT > id Iron Iba Intania iliiiloil and nervous main of the ISO lw I diyi 110 will go UUlTlind this week of Sun Boost 01 Col and tar Myron T llrrirk for Allron 1 several days In I riger to rest During I tile Looming be allots lei the lat4 returns Ip private Uhpllob mud = found 10 them nothing to Onto if Ibu former views 01 Ibo O1uoll ocKHIulill pUIIJ In lilt flight food Wily KENTUCKY LOUHTIILH I1rdm10TP SVllb too vah 0 UIIII 011 Knoll Ih 1hOD rrlo mh nc Ilryin Im a I lull try tf 113 votes t In I ihaiialr but many allies irun ctllculand I II innii liljbly pioutlil I iia Hal Uurd will have la decide the result In Ilia 10 Stiffing countita lrill li ItetubllMU and g > T llrid ley I SI mijurlty Itoll county li Di moclUo I I onJ KiTlIardlnl tnieiit lolotrr llradley V1ig jr ar SM mlor try Three uiliilrg preclicte In 111 later lime In Clay and nne In I Iaihir ara Ilpjiublliin Una In I Irani oca In V edition 1 anil three 1 In llatiderion men Democratic Tbelol laalog J by cotigrntlonat diilrlcti an Iba 11111 rellib mijorlllei jet al bault IHiUKI bill Ill iII 4 To VV t vrr 171301 Sg l if01f J I J a Ilh I Vh I < litvluHwr 7 Oil 1 3 Ittl llriia ° i ilaiililflliV I I O FAN Ll airman Itohirla still claims Ihn IHa lot MrKt l ley 1 by ICQO Chair Human n claim U fnr Jlfyau tot give as fliurei lie claim bit returns Tom I all Ills iniitirg preelncli fl Gong I Isolates deification If I me folbool Flnt dlilrlct li WbtiUr illtir ilem cnl ILJJ 1 r 11100 Iba elranglb of added rrturna fro u too a tenth dliltlol Clnlrmin Ilibarli 1 of lha Uipublloii I osmtilitia now ninlllebtiy claims t The iit II for McKloiy r site two Ibouund Chilrmin Hammers to t Ilse who arlsolallax II cut rival no Dguiee The JtDlollun inskob the toltoo MiTatltoeitlmila yet uttered inflicts glTee the Stale to McKluly by about 1141 This rallassur ehowonly nine prejincu militate ill 1 of which ate In llepublloin niuullei anl three lu Democratic oiunllei l ha Votes ee tlmatee Ititle County biow Uridli < niirlty last year Knot oiuuly which li I Utmoorallc IbaTlmeaiilTat 1 lo llryan by the ante election claim of Chairman dommiit wblca li I act Hti 1 WASHINGTON D C I WAMIIMIIUS II U Now t 1 Mbuna iclal Tba Uipublloin assessors bOlo ate wrlouily alirraiJ I over tug raporti which barf been p > ur > I Ing In all day disposing 1 ol their Child ctieootniuimt lily for UoKlnly I In lb 1I0ULIIIIII All their Nil I matte ndclilmiaparu bit bun Made upon ISO votes out In tile mil tom and la bay Ml anlltily out account lhalrnic miver atlDot In trio millivolt 1 milli-volt total udoca TaatliftililhitMJ MeKlnlry 1 will receive tW lcirl I bratitand Toliilno longer beard and strain rate at lalrr > ipniMd regarding WMlVlrglnU KaniuokrIudlnaauii Mlcbljin K > u > Nbraika Wyoming sod Baulb liikoii wlilcb Were rounjnllr cliluiJ fly the lliUUIcau lull morulur ara ujw coucudj in llryan Wit lit 11 t a probable that MelClolay u I elected 1 Rka will bit a uool luJuilly of the electoral college Iba lauulU1 labial woo discussed wllli larinc uidllni in all the apart ILIi niruing Is now owly ipoku ol under liralh There tills linn Un an election where rluini from pltoUl aisles hay bo II alow coming lu II 1 Will certainty certain-ty be a Couple 01 days before any iu > IbDllo table of coital ilalra of RIOS candidate can U I mid out chairman llullirof the Populist Na Itself oowIII1o nit r J110 cia code She election of McKlnley tilt Days Ulary ripilt front the hick dli Irloialnu I our favor This li eipie tally slue In BulU Dakota which wa I hit carrliJ and KnlUoky which lotto ruoru fayorbla by later I return OurbMtulmloli Sea bfuI ills unity and we Daniel tell bow large our yjia 1 will ta until Illi all Im0 Hciuty ii tlonlild I I 00vol bat = 1614yry8111oftorl carrlid ayry Souibm state with The icpllou of WI Vlrdnla and Miry land and possibly Kculuckj aliu ovary state West ol The MIMOUM HTr with the ciciillou of Cllforula Ore gnu and North Dakota and returns ara bolus ttceltu wblch Indicate allot they luy be plicJ In The llljfJu oil uun ally the oeutril Well Imports Red blur m lived Hum Indiana Bull Mlnutioia wblcli they add them lo Ib llryan yola and give I him amla I joilly lOW ago making Crops gains In Con greiinun and will haT 160 Slower lun and twanty 1onullil In thy Ito u m Tba 1opullili bat elected I Loss 9111RI lu Total 1 lill ot Iba Woot bud a pill of enotinatutto Mote We concede the 1iildul but wilt rillibla Information front the dlililct I Dol yl reported WAaiUMUiui II C I N4AI Itiiubllcauand Imocnilo contorts local bidquirliri tonight thn cable mm bayaUn ttiuilnc on trio cjui pinion of Ibi mil Italia Ubalrman Ubcocn days he 11111103ra plate reports Irom 10J lunnrrinoui districts wblcli have Ioled Ilipubll oini bat that ata U1 districts Ibat hat ate C tea Democrat all J 1jpulliii audlwtitylgbldliiilciilu Vol lull the rotor assay luiomplel ilarmoulaytm allUllxd ai douolful ba nyi will lie iKiwct that Ibi Ilpubllciui will clause at lain onalill ol Ibm wblo would make a Sales Republican 0101 btihln lu tile Flllynilb I Cougin lit 1blfl III II 207 0 clasull I that Under Ila Cucuta iliuoia will tile Iti ubllcin satellite shift fall blow IOJ Htnalor Faulkner cbilrman ul tile Democratic u IUIIHI allbouib ha does nol couo ta the llepublloani a Ulllollly lu the bill llaut gives farm nd wllblu three 01 a niiljillr llli statement nuiii Ilia fell UWU division of later Total llpubllrau I UO total Democratic I liver Itl i uouotul 1 y In 1 tbo Flflrfoiirlb cuts grtn III ubllran I bad 11 llimoorali btl audlllTrrhadli III fUllta mow H silver and Doug crano gala ul DO uul liking lutooouiidirallou the dountfu Tote 1 ha llapubtletni would Land forty five with The Vic 1rilJol to control IbaHuiln ll uolliani who bold INt Louie IIOk1 bull plllol ofe Giggled I ldpdul They orei 1 Taller 111 MOhl on1 Cluon WA111 NUION IS V Nov 4rile llfuLiicii coniteielunal comulllei bl rI hoIOP o mogtoeflonal dlilllclearalalely ltubllcn At tba Democritihihei iuntiti It li claim uunlcuily lha ilipublloin mlol 1 Ioa the are 1 uo will Dot ba tmielhtuH rno IVipulliti rlilra IW with thy illTtr inu and 10 1opu lisle Ill lisleAs IllICtJ Iho 10110 01 U H lebstam Ida fl ailoubtful ilin lei torday iriio llflawarr Kanur Kn uoay Norm Cirollna an i Mouth li N01 k ita I I now liuiiililr certain 1 Delaware will bit Is Kcpublloan g ilalurr 1 Ilia only < lalni lo Ibo ion trely Ulugol IS logo filled In Hiiutx county Kiniii will elect a fusion n Ind roonlout senator to ejected 1Uo Kintnciy on acoouct ul Iba nlurni IKekbiirn will elect a lliiulillciu t luccied Tat North I Carolina Icililaluia Ii ID doubtIth thancof I favoring tile rution tolluss foullot itopublicaus a DII Pop Ulitts Until the legislature actually C11004441 rloIlcl fliecooor II cannot be tol1 whether North car Illss nw locator will act wllb the lliibllcinuitrlly Hunch Dakota If still Ili lou I with chalice UTulInc the lutlon Indpi does The sousarthertuarr on title I Ilmilr would Hindi llpubilcan II 12mo11432 Dmoriii I Inileindntiaud 1iip uiii 10 i uouiirui 2 Cbanmiu 1aulKnrr of ibis Demo craft roniirriiloual idmnillte con odod today the Republicans love a working lurjjilly m thy House but itild Iba illtcr I will control the Monett CkilManllibeockof The Kipubll cm commute claim oOim < mbi af Ua llouialtully lluullcati auks K in doL Hiontary 1Joilon of the cl Populist couimlilcr 1Alibe tile follow claliuiai toIopulltu in the liouse K nuaC Nostalgia 4 rioutb Dakota Norm Joe 1112all 111101 I Colorado I I Call ornla I I Alum Ij allnnOla I Tolii l J nu icintly cps mot mean from Cillforula Alabama IIII null and Indiaua In addition 10 I iiyi on liver lltpubl oan atcb from Colorado Ito U IILI Waiblniiton NTd and tails allots will act with rue lj ullili Aipwll I I to tile Kyeulng HIM from Jlol C iyit Routes lo lb lUputlmao late eiialimiu from 7 01 01 U counties show Ilryan Id McKlnlay byoUUO Moil lliubllcini Dgmada 1116talot lo llrtan by 1VUW look Dimoctilla state chairman says lltjili miorlly will olonlyappnil mala IJiVJ Ilia lUpubllcin cbalrman iijii III euunlle now a mijarllf ol oTr 1600d I fir lluik lliruniicin calla dl IIor goyernor aid all Itopubll cm ni ldullit iwntteimiu aia v 1 ltc i IITO Milir s Fifili dlilrlcU rtii Dinncttllo itt cbalrmiu ad will 1 Ibil Tainan flat ubil lean carI Iba N lulli uinireiilouil diililol NEDRAkKAi 11 JU COl4 < tMu NJT 4 Mr Irj n 1il rr tonight 140TO out The following In evilly lo numerous lilerami from 111 parts of flat country rl3oLwmoctllo national committee clalmi uougb ittlo to gTa a uitjorlty lu I be electoral collar tot the V610 I 1 Try ciao In iTeral 1 ol the int and ills mull cannot Liotilltely known unlit I tba aullra Tola I i taunted trials clomnuuuiiillli wile lot both I runs 1 wiioa ha Someone u Ku lei against inauoiilblliyof inlitakai lulutlonal 1 I crunlotuiluual Mr Bryan die alad this statement loa lo-a Irs Well r but when puned for igniihlug mar fur trio giffer 1 ueolluad w talk oxyloa fiocaUI4 Kilo as utter seen 10 his thoughts olfrIbeffult uutllna nil Intentions until trio outcome > out-come uoulJ taddollely known Ha rad all bulletin wllli Intervals bUll laplylo questions tall tie wu IUlo not allowion tile I nr nrlaluly lo cause criewas r r thelvatiftSreatif l worry II wa piclilly grmud al ibriult In Ne bruki and took occuiou lo irnilly congratulate chairman 01 tile various vari-ous county and Hal 1 commlUii Ic I iiUd In Lincoln on their work In lb city and uriuibout the ml During Ibo lIorDOOD Nit llryn attended the toaster of an old friend anti lie spent the ttuln < wllli bit cilln llriauiadTloi I from Henitor Jones ate mil to Iba ellict that the result ol till election In several 1 states I units lermlnd little ilalM 1 life necessary to iliaalcliontftillhr cmdldatr Mo Klnleyarlaciluncinnol ba conceded unlit too tuloouia li absolutely known Jit tin li I not obllTi I ui lo tile tail Hut the piotlllitl ata strongly ajilDl biro LII li flimly drrlJtJ lu give no ulutraoca to Oil tllcl 1111 I I count bill make II oeililu hI K defeated KAAAD IITV Mo NUT 5A special 1 lu iha mr from Tololls Kin in lift Sam Iteputlicon Control bU i mill 0 11 p ui conlluuci to claim trials I Chance for election of favor Lot Mornll and HTeralolbr candi dalei on thy state ticket by a lw but died tutu lilt itly leiOrti I Relief oliy lulitnla its I lots lo Iba Iopulltli a Ituoufb they do not doll tile claims ol 1 fusion Chiirmu llildulbal and Love thai leaiy will Laos 13oou rua lorlly lu iiludiof ijtiriiur Morili Adults the Ion of the lliUbllc electoral ticket and Unlittun DELAWARE I > IIsusuius Del NOT 6Th this ieiliil Of llilmal all Befalls llcii by abul lild II will nijulra pu itUoial count lu dUrmlna two earn plexlou ollbI leiililatiile KANSAS WICHITA 1140 NUT 5fuo tot 101 luUiiaivu hOI Vicullalai blthli Losses a guild Tot tha county Cloth ifllia lo prTant this leallug he Iba itluai Wa elected tur futile llckil A plan lo rob ui of our victory has been discovered 1rTiil Iba tall lu your county lit all bitiirili Full itllcui by iuer diguid I JOHN W IIIIIUINTIIAI J MALIC lIt l-It w iunMit ItN > AI Un Y Mo NOT bICIkU bat has withoul until elected IIrlu liclon This conceded I by ltub llctu Hlata Cbalnuau rllmiiou Ioiulll Hit cbalruiau lliidolha claluil lha llla fur the fission Strikes by IB1XIJ ItipubllcuiatKit the major fly will I ta uairtr Oouo Accurit tlgurei trill I i oil ba l JUU bafora night probibly nol Intnl auotbtr twenty lour hUI The luilobln have the lllilature iDtullog Ib election ot a Iucullit In tuooid Biuator 1iflr 11111 Cbalimiu llreldrnllnl oalrni tho ticket nodded by Leroy for goeernor li theses by about 8000 mijorlly Cbilenilii Htnjion amrli tha Itnub IS Lub llcant will carry lua Hate iQloi though be a narrow nialotlte 1 mil take an tfilcUl count to tficlde TUIFKA KM NOT 8 Tbero li I tactically I 0 clients in I The It election illation this marnlni lie I utllcani item lo Int lotl everything except two conittiiimon Curtu In flat Jooullb ni lu ICIE I 10 1 lb Flllb being tleolld CAiironNlA HAN KIIAMUIOOU N tie 4 Complta rluini Item Teir i rclnci lu lha city except on also MoKlnley 5091 lily anSU4 ranking McKliilyiplurilliy In I Ilia elI tour yen giHin Fricclico cay Cleveland 0VO plurality plural-ity oyir Hanliou rovsf latest congretilonil figure I mb II reasonably certain that the Iteiubllcanebaya elected the follow log commitment ririidlitriol Hit bam Iblrd dlnrlci llliborn First district Loud Hlitli dlitrlci Mc lichhn rieynlb dlilr ct low The Dissentient bite I elected The two remaining conjteinjno DtTli 111 I Ibo Heooud mud Mlgulra In the Fourill Toga liglilitura alii appears to In Itepabllcan by fleetly Iwotbltdi Ina legally From relurni at bind It fertile car tofu that the oulllulo1 InII ruul proTllIng lor womin luflraja Ile bOn 110 by R Iaz Majority The chronicle says IhllorDlu ClllluDI DSIIIY ID the Mltol column 10 allowed unexpected Itnilli In rijuthtn Cilirrnli and adduced the Joel which McKmley hold ho-ld very malerlally out tile loll was allots Hun comis up by the majority returned by Alameda COD I y Alameda dews MolUntr a too only ot ever tOOU wblcu U I 3VOO moa baultK Tatullarrliiiu 11 counties ol Iba title 10 fired heated from how thai MrKlnly li ridlni 1 liy TOOO but ai Bolus of The niuuolalucouutii arayallo to bard loin tliy aia expected lo rduc Ibli o5OvO HryaniTole In torn pirucf Ito 1 into ego r occiilicol surprise but iittiloe can piObly dfat Iba Ho Cluleyaleclota Nufl uri limoboon I outiluad from a iiuuitiir ol counties I In ills ltD pelt 01 the state but their I total Tola li Hardly enough lo Chooses Ibo ritulL The ooniEieiilonil tlu lion shows a dicldaJcbanga from the lporti sent out Mclmlilin con Codes his defeat by about 0 hull a cuir h l ia by a lirgir yole Staffers llipublican and Cult uiluult off making a clotric and 1 tile former wine ll will la br a narrow inirilu Callloo vote InWatblnilon I county niy nit 1 him lha place I Loud I Stations and Illlburn llepubllcani are Certain of election lauift niioilly will ba Try force Tb lililalura li I lUputllcaulnjilnlbillol byamijorl IT ot 31 Th Senate boldoTri are I 17 Hi ubllcant media Democrats The iiw ivnatori are Al lti ubllcau and 11 Uimcraii I In tile nimbly there 1 bit llitmbllcani Vt Democrats alIt au lOllukhlCh The clip oboia Iou Dimocraiio I 10 S sort and only o lleiuullcau While the n eniblymau eland lourlMU tuonatu favorer the Diuncrtti lu the later lot I the ties uLIIu holdup their Tola well and have given a strong walk Ins lIly In both 1111 INDIANA lM > UMAOLISNuV t At i OOlltk this Dlol Collection Marti of the Democratic Htata csmmlii calmed that II wouU results the tfllilal cuuut lodilnulna tile mull In luJUoi At that liaut ba bad Seesawed totaled front 111 of tile 8 ItO ihowinir a plurality for MoKlnley of SM7 themot aid I not Include Marlon rouuly which would Iou MeKlulyi Plurality la about 11000 Uulrniin Martin however charges that lu urn counties of the tavo Ina Uitnocrllc Sea lopII v are wore al llr co 11b It true would decrease MfKmliy as parent ilurlly for tills reason bo will awall trio cajoles count uIIID trio Infantility 10 Concede the rely Tilt at couolln heard Ilona arballelclot 1 how a Democratic loom or ill 01 IU C IU LOSS rotor Ihlull ODD 1 lo bn Darstilellatic polar 1 Inoouthelolnlianaottoglicb0ide Chi Will reduce the estimates a big Its Kiblloau plunlliy early lu lo day Law rcouspilon1 indications I nol PC C trio mousing fnull which li that McKluly flu carried Ina state run Uipuollcaui probtbly elect nine con 100 Chairman Martin of She Dmocrallu lilt coulullltea flu receive a tale Hiiru Irom Iba Democratic chairman ul Mrtbill County iiylog that In tile estimate bout lniu fuel Calgary Iba Democratic and Pass Ulits Tot was nol iuluiilu which would mike a lilt I leiuc Inlavorof The Dimooiill of utr 3 1W Toti Teleuntui from other parts of the < I 110 Ate allI sayt 1110 a atoll I o condition Al tup 1jpuilit vote lu the 11ate smuggest to to3JOuo practloilly bit of WhIch the Diuiocraie claim a fulura airgrciiation of She I vita would allots a luralliy for NcKtbley a many Inuuitud 1 will belongs llmuIn II call be 1I110IoJ whether trio votes will to aggregated and odlor ub ikuowldttlua lUtawlll b lu I dtubl Wtenljlourcuollei out of nlnity two lu Initial mow a i lurillly lu Iba I state for MoKlnley tfOSSS The ro i malulng Counties may bnuir II ilowttu llOUOur 13000 Nina lleiubllon couiriiim > uniaalclid 11 pub bid that lindl > llpulllian In the I ululblt tlcled OTir CnJle luju Ilia tllTir WYOMING MUITI tLILII ldlH Not 4A Him Vxiy meiiiugir has lu ar IIil it i llt I J rho ultra Demxratlo ticket OeI1 dlilrlot Judge receive 1 niijorl Live Val covultoolassiodustr a Ua I Aloud11 215 lIumo juilgvCor v Urotbuob W 1111 JUI 1Ugwl1lh81j4 I MII 10 Itnl1 U tilts KILO lColler aol tllipnmu IG Hbellll Ward 1 FOMOO 184 I UItuloll 14W41 118116cfalle Vote I 1 sizalant 201 grantees ItnuCII Can CtlIr Wyr NOT GHr SOIL lu li 6 DtL1100100 oCUIIII now a pluralliy lot llryau violators ul bull mud for Uitioma for Congress of l 030 Ttter Diittkltlo bi beard I front are llli Horn ciuntr I B ar Valley and Jacklooa Uol lu a Ulula County and several prolnoli In ja noun Wanly fb a officiated Uimoorillo uiijuliy lu III = I three districts li I 3JO The Uemucritlii nmllieo claim Iba tula 1 by 800 Tba H rublltn ml ommllia hat full relurni from 1 cauullci and WIIH illmilad teluini from too rmilnlng 2Clkltu JI absolute electloacrons H I H elector anJ tna prcbibla election ol ito by Mail it Vus21Vt b alec 1 I lion ot e ngieetrotn and atioclata I 4 I I I lutlta by COO Tha eomiulllea aillmita I I i 1 tbaleililiurri 4t llinubllcin end 1 Uiuiocratlo ou Joint bi Hot I IOWA Dra Moitin 1 IL NOT 4Iowa will nit McKlnley and llobarl a lluialiiyotat I ieit Huuu anl Terr I t f 11n 11 I Krotably that figure will l t railed lo 9000 COWl Li return ate In from I 7 out tit the 91 counties They bow a nil gain of 80S lo Ilia cainly 1 this sales I continued MeKlnlara plurality will ka 0o V TLIV mi 1 I ticket U I elected by oTrwblmlnic I bliorllltt The total delegilloi of the ougretimeu numbering 1 ate all Heputllcci DELAWARE WAIltlVlllIM 1 C NOT 4 Cnalimiu r < ulkti rof IhDmocnllo oonireiiioml rommlltea hit nctltd a laligrara front Handy Dtmicratlo coo arpooloisal ndldata from Delaware thai ha bat hD elected and that the Democrat carry ODe elector In Dell WAIT This II DO account or a model 01mol1 the ballot where tba Jli putallcan names mppenteJ COLORADO IIIIVIK Uolo NOT IL la ra turns iiom toga Mate t ilnw 1 thai llrymi Ole li I not la team I4JOW McKln ley 10 scattering 2I A Jimi DemicratillTir Ilepubllcao candidate received 10000 llutllly II ii i11 I oTer llalley 1opullil nilter I party t TitlKiliAU Colo NOT 4 F 11 Rotor a 1101 man of Chicago offered bet tMXM to I S150ju just McKlnley would be lug uulI of Iba Witted Hilee and wits promptly puOlpc Ibl bl J C Vaollau ol ibis city A lotliloiJIW wit diptilLd and Mr Room wired Mi arm to advise tile Irmldd National bank la II him draw The amount lw Almoil Complete return from all counlli In Colorado give llryiu 141 ooo McKluly 15wo scattering flautist Aumi DemoiialHilTir Republican ctudldata governor rpreivef MUOO llalley Ilopu 1191111 liver 07000 AHn Hold Hludtd llipubllcan 14000 svelte Mudl of the Stood 1oiullii SOOO Coalml Hblolb HlluI lublloo lu trio First slid limit ID the Houoll skip toolocied DI almost the entire vote 1 al their rtalmeativi out 111 1 IS I Impolbl I total any dnIII Idea 01 too complexion 01 the losilifigurts as all again 01 fusion slid cmbIDlloo were mail an I various Counties Ina Deafly every member olteted was The candidate I of two 0 I more petit Mongtor Teller will 110 toolocled I with oploatilloo I ARKANSAS i f Is latol IITTLC ItvCK AtkNot74 Tba Tea fusion ticket 10 Alksbass was elclal yesterday by a majority of 1 IromMOUD lo 30000 Ittiurni from all over Iba nil ludlcilaibal lUul the uiul vote was polled A lw Ounllt ibow a slight Incline oer ills II rlepleuiber It of four The Democratlo candidates I for Congress were all elected wlI ed by good milorlllie I I I 1 will la several I days before all The I lutn aia lu 1 from The back counties tills from tile Bguiei at band lh Dimo I 11 cralln majority 1 contittltily 1 mated at ia000 I rise three popullili on Ib ticket ran I i about low boosting the Democrats which About iapreinl cue gold standard VmoelIo strength ID the I Italy v SOUTH DAKOTA f MlNsrAlvLia NUT 4A iwclal to It 1 log Jvurul front Yacklon ri D nytl I I i Mouth Dakota will go hr MoKlnly by I i somewhat less thou 000 The leillla I I lure U I gotten by about twenty voted ou Mat ballot which maui a Populist I I senator to tucceed ICjU I Anilriw I I 1 L rorullit It J elected governor YAMIHON H D NUT Chairman Chair-man Ulloll ol the llepubllcin f state altruist ties now estimates Uo I Kluly4 milorlly lo exceed 1000 lie Itl J I bit 1000 majority in tar NORTH DAKOTA I MllNKAIUUa MID NOT J f Bpclilil1 the Journal IroU North Ilikota social Indicate the uil lagta Inure will ba lUpublloan ou joint ml I 1111 a small majority Iniurlng Ill election ot a Il > puullc a luoonior lo Senator ilaoibonuiu lie riobably has guy iirongeil following I 1 of any can 1 Unfair I There seems uo reason lo cbinjalhapreTlouittluiata of 8000 I a ltt ma I rlly I for McKinley i In The elate I I CM oaunty including I tttio Kltti i t I a llipublicin rujtilty of 1119 Sam lllktllIU liability 1 WASHINGTON 9 tlMlusk West NOT CTbI I T lowing llaitnHl was glTn 10 the A > iccul a Vires al luldnlghl i Tile ovolowholmitic defeat of llrjtu I comullly dmouilralM that the loll lie when Informed c 1 Always U I i true Z Ever lluta the adOpllUUf Ilio Chicago platform wlilcb mida ads uIllagion ut just debit luTlllllon la 1 euercby and the destruction of the 1 Independent I of the Huprina Court In bull appeal 10 the I flople that Sea Dever Leon any doubt II lily lalnil As lo Ilia ulllmilo result Nu ndi i dl of that call ouoctd which arrays Ibe Ulllllll Intertill and the Concur IIUC oftlaspoople against II Tbeez 1 ieMncol lopocrecy bad bD a ills 1I I ran l failure aud will eoonb = Unsavory rinilnlicanceaod the Ilimo I I cncy of the suture will be that tx euillflt by the policy and ilrllot ill guy ireitul acmliililiatlju 1 am ml IS I 101 otagrut Washlogtolk A boo kona nattily politically I I but I Sol ctruln II will Noun recover Ironi III P1 I lmpo1 abstention I k lluuu WALLACE Uirepllng Kllikltat etry county 1 Inuitern VVaiiilntton h 0 given a It iuioriljr lo llryan Every fusion CUjldole I Ir I lviololalure 00 Ibl I 61doul I The CO ICUOIID with I coo exception 10101 1 Vzopp I llonlellikruf I Kllckllat Cbo eyes i age wlnll 10 Ih altiorgit coo I tied ua Adam UO U uili 1 sod 1 I Whliman 2000 Kliiiiat 140 Uainld I Jhl Colum I It UJ Wlla Walla 67 10 I IXnfmuid i < fi Page I OJ I i I i KNL Y IS ELECTED II IIu crl J > > t < tgt One = I TIID SS Hton I too AIID MO SWSLffl I JSlS GOO 11001 100 FuoIID I I o S5W Nn ralIal i all Oiubllul counllii In Iroru i niiii in oU ito of Waihlngton ibow tint I Iho I MI aliy oltetori hay oirrled I tin Jfiby clow In 10000 a plotillly Ju iumlltou lwl and W U Milonlit 1 n l oi < l conntiir jigcf 1 11 III Jt al U John II llojir t u iionlii uolinlid I toTirnor Dn r Hulll I Va rfipuWloan by 8000 and Ibo niiion ililo tlckit Ii olrclid by Jrollol not fir bolw thai of Ibo il I d1 bollcb Abou bttloub 1 b a h h u rIIIJIn 4 1 I1 t l iir i l > liulr lleruhllcin U 3 lId lUnnbllcin 217011 Iw lueioi V > G i IUHOO I4I I laTrnol Sulllvio UlUbllcau I SI I l i rI i I nI all 101 II 1 ounll ID Un I Ift Mt1tlol 119141 1Ioa MV9Z ltIol no 11010 IrD lb no 1IIDlnll I 011 Clool wIIII cboC MICHIGAN DimoiT MIcU NOT 6Wllh 1 eiiriy ojrnilft nluroi li iri Donlltylioilltnatidat I b ul 70000 < > I MoKlnir l 15000 and lur Hi eonreMlonil dlrittbn I imbue 13 jUiublloiniandS liiiloiilitt IDAHO IVCATCMA 1 > I > NOT 4 From lltllal I roturul Ibo 1 following Ii I Iho t I igltlnllinn oke uotyi llryin 491 MeKluiiy Uuun W8 ll 14 riri Mil Moilll lilUO rlieunoUli JU1J lluil itur si irtm a Mj l Uuirni 103 Jllltl bl I HAUiori CITY Idi NOT 4 Tntti II t r tunncli I ID I ii mill count ino i udlbg it gollwotnlnliof > lh TiioolHilniiri t11 ltr MrKlnliy Ifll llryao 37a W JiiJct tjirl 188 riianrod Hi Wlln SD LicllUltl lick I Iu ilciDrooclUo iljr r lliki llpulll eicr U > llab11 ucki 73 For r vnrujrHleurjinleri 172 llullotm K For control UunnSS Mgrrlioi VIIIIUb 89 Ciunt progreiilog lit lliWly 1 Voifor llrjin 14 > McKinly M Kef gOTirnor Him rnlt IUD > ur UOBgrill Mulllton IIIJ r3 IOpIll l Democratic iriy ahtiu lu Ibn pit clnct S 11 1AKli Ida N IT 4lMli OTld IHiny Hi Clur n llluomlnloo nj l > inli elncli Kim Ino I followint Tilei F r MI ilor tlpce IhrJ all Wiljlit IIIJ SI Htoaur utu llm Iti I VI nir nuil > r Mtioilmil I > llTeilti riion r illmll r > 11 118 I IJrnu Im uilil rinatur Hi 104 Ilvi lumlrMllj I IV illlino SID MiniliuKA Ida NT 4intlr tlinilolliiliiolictolal Ililo aiid IIUVI llk I rlCloJ III CllllO UOly Tii Iliuio l i will entry Hj liirco menu 01 Ibo legiliiuiii In tint cuuij ml Ibiy no 1 nil prouauncoj oiUob I I MUM I Itmi 111 NOT t O1 1002 I tolilToiii mil 111 llir liki couuiy I S5 III lr McKlulry llpullt iuoeiila luilou rlectid tbo lullro iltir lojIilitlTo UJ nuilt Uriel = II luun I mi inaiaiou < Mijonljr I LALimKLL lilt I NUT 4 ll < ijou ciuulr I i i Hifu 1111 I MclCluiy I I3onU Ici 177 Uunur < irUoDiiit 3T lljnb r 4JMoirn 11 in Hiuninbu Kr KIT i olD r 1D70 iiuiiloiK aUI tu < tntli ljulinlJuJol llo cuuuiy tlckt Ii olll I iltiLlrd wilu til oicfitlon I of ptuttlo will pteclnel Illlu oouutjr 8 TOUI MI I Hi ii ilctoit BJ iio 4 Kloltr 1 Kir toiinurriiupnivrf f lluuuiu 1 Fur IIlhIlU BjUaoD Meiiuoi I 1 Uui lnJi = i buh t 01 llokut I IUD wnb il < iih iTorJlo < U Ih 01 bo 0 owu on It a II ClIICAUu N 00 Ho Uuhol A IIJ 101 11001 A 111tlo I b 101 Uwlogto Iho grill dlitincrr ri VII lurniaio f tomlDK In ilowly Aueul oiotblrd of Ibo ililiba bon boird from ludlcailn I < wlm lolirblo accur fI ricy Ibit McKioliy will KI abml ooo TOIO In iTiry loToa In Hi nil 1 nud Ibit llrin illirHiutllcowlll u Iel 10 Cu 101 Ilr comblo = union cindldit 1 1 li I > r Ino llimoculi U UInd lopulI 1 III 10 1041 = Iulo > mloit coTibluillon of Diiuo r u 1 roulliUudiiild lUputlioiiif r in 10 will not b WcKlnly Itiiub lciu iliclid lo Itio lMililur > lu UK m olllollili I > ud Ibi MclClnly I Hi ubllo will ngt led on officer In I U lli Vittr VIRQINIA Cii CINMATI NUT inoclil 1 to 6W in liuie Hir Horn Wuifloz W V < MJ McKlnlr > < mijirliy oTir Hi u in J i u uniul rnurni In tin IiI liDjoiii Itriutiioiiiiliti commit I 113837 I A Inw lOlllirlllK illl I Illoti He u II ImirJ from but KlflOK tbDiniocrli 1 ill Ibiy clilmlliini j crlly ruiilui m itilid ibjTu T loll UALLtl Tllll OT aw W ii Vblls C 1 Ibl olJni collou buylic flrui lu Tuir IIU Hld a Ue d of llut lui ullii rbKllbllitlci MO ner CUUvdli 111 lirmi ciolltr I u I J r Miu iu A Co = Nw York wlm lii I cllraiul fluo lWQletui4 win 300U blnol ojitoi Lool I biuki win bit hirJHIi leolloo U ofliudlu Ibo Im lliudlo mid uu < 10 rairuuitbiroi of lock In IgoiloliTi lor rouiiuiii mo r cormyod tut Ibo LD1al CI lIo MARYLAND I CCUDIIOANU MJ NOT 4Him J tI foII Icr 1 LikiunuiborKi tbo followluil IHDI nlurci > ud but llm l tin jli > uLlloin > cirrtf Woit Vlrnlnlt lor too uillonl tlckit by Ktioul ISW1 rnilorliy 1 Ailluur tuimbiri of CJUKUII inj 1lblu vllhIIIIIlulI ltpub lIeD |