Show m To Reclam Sterile Lands That the whole discharge of theWhllc Nile could be stopped by uny Hrllllclal barrier Is I Improbable but that it uldnt Imounl could be diverted to deprle Igyr oC the surplus otr which U I needed for agricultural Iur poses Is I recognized by every geographer geogra-pher who has sludled the hdroph ef the Nile 11 that woull Im necessary Cur this purlO ouhl be I the OCUplt linn of the llahielohii and oC the Nile Valley between the confluenees oC tint tributary and of the Soviet At robot II banks are high lout above hat station the Nile traverses I swarrepy Imet region which In the rainy season Corm one vast Ik This olmp continues along the Nile Cur some it I stance tu the south but till Mains main-s tension I westviard where I forms moot of thr province nf the Ilnhrel nhllzl There Is I no Insuperable dllll a ItY In the ors lInn oC I weir In Ih Nile at SOIAt which 0111 ralre the Water lortl allove that Iolnt and allow di low it vast amount eif Water tu 10 dl vertM fur Irrigation ritirposi lei I tile Huhrelnhnzl and In the urldwatei regions helwe that proxlnce DaCu and Kindamn The barrage across tile Nile nolth of Cilro artificially raise he unter 10 to tile height of 01 Ih Cert nnl tho barrage rt a on nil unatrible foundation nf delta mid Tilt pressure on the Soloist barrage moreover would be I a mlll since In the dry season w hen It would bo chleny In operation the current In the White Nile lit I often on slow as 10 ho Imperp little Slinuunics Ihll II strong north Ilnd is I 11liming the current is I actually tilt fcohit writers ally rpooersed 101 ucstward Into II lohrIGhal NI only I aild Ilrlltlion work tie possible In that region but It I IJ roll to Imo lne a country where thy vollld lie pit ay old 10 profllnhle The extrixordlitity r Illy of the liahrel 311 Joel has c It d I tht vionder of every traveler who I had I xlslled that area Hi fore the country was declinntid Iy Malidipt war tile population wni xer loher dne If ell IllsecA rule be ri As tnl > Ito here he-re tile pe pie will rapidly multiply anti I once again tint pioxlnce will Con Ihe richest arll In the whol Sandals anti hrom an extensive market for Iuopon manufactures Ill so long as thc polpl nr hprnrlll nn the jar table rainfall there vo Ill Moves It ho donS don-S oC Comln Hnc European pow er holding thi llnhr < lOhizl might rtnd U I necessary wlllionl any malicious In lenllon nf Injuring Egypt to undertake Irrlrallon I < irki that would Inexlla bly Iw detrlmi nlal and might b Cool to t Ihe ncrli ullural Indnstrj I of Vrit |