Show PERILS OF THE ATLANTIC Trt SlfiTiiMp AnchorU Wuths t i Ten fie Hurrcjne Thrilling Caparbrate of I Idrr t I Inl a0 11nII1 must Abost hOOU hrlII Tilt Mluwlix excerpts from a letter trans 11 I liter I Ahnera l > Knltr 1 lu I till fattier Hlihoi 1 Kttlcr of Ihli city 11 Iw rri I wllh much Interest al Italy nut a Irlef detail of Slid recent lowril l lui Ma of Ilia ol passage iltatnchlp XnchoiU Samoa Hit Atlantic Tht teller wa Uauri on tbruary I llh nil was Offshoot on hit arrival In New lark on rise fish right 1 < days uter tile Ant li ui follows XV e iters yet ulna unjril I Inlltl fraou New Tork We tttn due there on tile 41h liter but we mil built slatol j I luck If too nah Share ly I tur IIi br lay noun the Illh This I delay r add Sierra caused by an exceptionally ilurmy voy ago or I think u liurrl an nould IN l u mil 1 nan for She I weather wt oul omntere1 I I ihounht my trip Sir rolsband a few Weeks NEU sufficiently at nny lout ut lid not Inoav I liftibomit I ir a man but on Stiff return tells Hw teck of iht Anchorite li a total wreCk lint MIr wits killed I I y a I tnnipnl in wax mass many oihern I wen Injured I Our aalli use blown lo totaling Sir th ttlnl I sail Ihos heavy rllalIIt tr I Q Ito llso11 heill11 J Tisto iterative I went pro I I qwjr and tit a left r lu iho mry Ill f laII florid fi r two la > a The ailnlna composed star cunitioll is Ih Qful gal IA sand we drl 1 I tilth Ilia In1 I kn MIIK not tthllhri Ad went rVirninalpty W9 wrt In I 1111d I in I and avul hl1 I the rocka rho 04 I 111 iiHintl Softeners Hllh awful nearly I ull Image from Pont llllow 1 lo another an-other fall Hum vior wiull hear in i thr testable I crash on dork still 1 then 1 loathly 111111 vsuld also I wild knH k1 I lout Ali f Iwl toy I lite I effect of one wine al 8 M m al Hie urn Hm we hoolt i faur llf > UMII I She deck fort for-t u iitly low hall only etvrii nm oil In I ifi nnra nl I aa u I rnull Ihlmia xteit r tHer mill Wild on of the culm J00Ilarer I won III and I i1ilelt Carlo h lhr lot tt H d tin or flat That 4 Hum tt are 1ly trunk unnlhor Irnbylnu ludyk up I all h nt aint InyouIf and a sming Hcolchman loulad 1 ill mily plaradoelhireat free from I olulaursom I head Plenty lit t tinha 11 I look sin XI III Hma iI7 l iruciiiin I iwnid sailluallill tliull I I it I tin i nist r i Hut my Hmt I hall Pp Id I wale i rI > oallll lit the IV Id 1 Hi nil kl da f aperis to Is I A PlMrilllil I I our lulln ad I a NI r WIsr f Int but h < hates jwrl 1 4 ar I Ih Moral I II people I hlnl kn I it Athat ill IIh r m I Jnh rt s Ito 8 111 lh Salley hosteler 1 h 1 Volk t hu > > me Heine nulelly Jd I n 1 IWr To add till mow pvrilmlty la Hill xotnit low Lad an amaltur crew of I laid n noVrr at the aerialists 1 a X oW Irlkt rl In aiarraw whenct wt itriea W itarted out In a rlenit fog no rOi an troublt has fallowed oa evierplince Tb rot II ul aim on just n and we 1 be rt trend health In fact I have not bon lick hlh chip U I a most munlnen illlit the 11911111ioss release bulwarks brldit batch y and Ihe tests are all I entrust In I I am Fht fine on the let I file just abaft the green nt our Italian ship and OwflLt n her irnreMI movtmcnti ai iho Iiyi tw against the western ban b-an Iok Ib U lno the atnvt was rlttvn the ather 1142 been rounher thin ever an I we hdr1 not I arlv on Saturday ai en r J 11U rvor wo bi I lo land I tonlihl 1 |