Show I JIIA > cn AM > lit 0045k 0 Signor Crisp the cxprfroler 01 Italy believes that the alliance between be-tween France and Itussla has ben entered Into for the purpose of Wnr In an article published In tho NIne tenth Century he characterizes the compnet na unnnturni and ain mennc a-in Purope The reasons given for this view ore several Time nlllanc cnnnot hay 0 been uitorcd Into for the purpose of procuring victory for a political principle prin-ciple since neither tInsel i nor nance dudres any change in their present form 01 governmnt nor cnn the liar pose be the liberation of the various nationalities since any movement In thla direction would lead to the ells mmherment of the nnlnn mphe The unit raonahlo conrioniOn Is that the two countries have agreed to make war when the time Is I considered opportune op-portune And this supposition la I strengthened by the fact that the text of the agreement Is kept secret There would be no need of sccrecj were the object of the compact to secure se-cure the pence of Eutope This view of the Trenchnusslan alliance al-liance presupposes that Trance Is Btlll longing for the day when she can retake re-take the lost provinces and demand bck with Interest the milliards that found their way to German coffers Hut Is I It likely that Kussla can bo I counted upn far the rnllzntlon of such hopes and aspirations supposing that the Preach governments ambition ambi-tion still goes In that direction Iruace Is I no longr In c poltlon ns during the time of the first Napoleon to Invite the northern ally to help himself him-self to half of Kuropc and there is I no npparent renson why the cznr should assist the republic to obtain terrltorlnl xtenlon ltbout 110m equivalent which It is evidently not In the power of France to give Tim ala has her own policy her own Inter rein unit wbnt is I wore nhmo lonlrols ttmq mnn wberhJ to gaIn br own obJcta to a grater degree than nny other Kuropenn power The mot F room could hop far from llussla in the event of a renewed struggle with Germany ould be neutrally neu-trally Hut she would probably have to fight her own battles and It will i take a long time before she feels equal to lIuch nn uudrtnklng armnny Is I growing stronger ecery ynoranit Frnnc in I hardly keeIlng Inc with her rival |