Show tile IIAVUAIIII OAOL Y100i000010ll Wlliuiiri for IhtDi lent liiiii eliril iNMBApauii Miroh ITh Hay wild murdtr trial prore > dcd today lu ipllo 1 otthe fact tbnl County Allornuy Njuwat couflned to hit bed fioui nervouiprottrallou It wu remarked l tbitthcjury looked Ilka gbo li alter ilx weeki pull at the oau Ihe lawytrt arewiirnout wllli woikjanu worry ond nu tIn vidgo look weary and 1 huriid l The defendant Harry Hayward Hay-ward uoinoe Into court cool mornlug fresh aDd nulling an It U 1 court a ml luto ho wcru ntlundlutr llIu tato Ituoikixl a low mere propi from undur Ihu delcmuln today > to-day Loult lluhiuiiwora hewui tree I cut al thu convermllon between ltT rryrnnn WIIo and 1 Jamci Watd WIno tIm foiraer wat ollvgt lo hafo laid that Itivtiiiiut JUrry but Adry liny word hu taw driving with Mln Ulng the night or tIn murdnr llihm di doted thou ilaywntdt wow tool tutU Honed In tIlecellolo eooyoronlhoo jmeit Ciuiajli Uetltltd 1 hu taw leorgu Urluuall on toe unit ildo 1 1 ninny Iloiki I away at Ihu very limo when Uilmlall awtatt hu POW a myiterloiu ° third man net luto Ihu boggy with lIlIes Ulug iliui nra two Imiiorlaut wltuctittfor the tIru Impeichid toh lollIn IIoiuui o Nub blotch 1lho Jlilludgu iilloual llank filled n 01101111011100011100111 IIIJ ewtrU oi currency will tit i > ruri e It hat II capital ttook ol t uUOOO No lUUoliul |