Show A fORECAST The Prediction of Commander Mcfiificn of Chen Yuen Fame Denver Evening Pool The terrible ratio of fatality to the nlmbe of lives exposed In the destruction destruc-tion of the Maine recallsthe prediction of Commander Ihllo Norton McQinln nho until Tuesday was the only Atncr Icon or European naval oleer mho had experienced the effects of modern explosives ex-plosives on board the war vessel ot todav McOHIln a Pennsylvanian by birth and I graduate of the Annapolis training school directed the lire and evolutions I of the Chinese squadron In its struggle with the Japanese fleet at the battle of the lalu off the coast of Corea On board the Chen Yuen the AmerIcan although not touched jy a projectile received Injuries that resulted In tin death After the close of hostilities the Pennoyllnn returned 10 his hum near Plttsburgand In an Interview pie llctdl that In the event of mullet between be-tween tile navnl forces or lrtcla owers the death rate would prove so high that even the most bloodthirsty would be appalled Continuing Mc Omn said Although patterned after the modern mod-ern Ileus neither the Jet or Chinese vessels were equipped with the guns or explosives that American and Euro pan IJWc have at their command and let the results were lndc crlbablc At IhH opening of the Yalu engagement a single shell from the Chen Yuen killed more than halt the cw 01 n JI ruUcr and In turn the Jai rushlma with Iwo large shells find flive minutes use of UH rapldrtro guns utterly des Steered a Chinese armored vessel The Chen Yuen Itself although afloat and able to make Us way to WeiHalWei wo A d Ala bB Japanese hla slruk the turrets andwere deflected Into the Bell but Iron and steel splinters flew from the armor Inside Ihe turrt tnollg dOn scores G f Pearson XG died Standing on their feet from con cusslon When sheila got Inside the armor the explosions cut entire gun crews to pieces The battle stopped not on account of lack of courage or ammunition but for the reason that the crews of both net mere so slaughtered and prostrated as to be unable to continue the fight This was accomplished with guns and explosives far loss accurate and Powerful than theme tint firstclas powers will use still no mn can eorcel uhat u Ill be the effects of ten minutes fighting with the gun a rid dealy explosives now gathered on hoard European and Amer ican vessels eGlffln was rendered permanently blind and deaf by an explosion of a Japanese shell which did not even pen elrole the armor of the Chen Yun and his back and sides were HUM with steel splinters 1114 lungs also were affected by the terrible concussion and on the advice of his phvslclan he started for Colorado hoping to recruit his health Unfortunately the corn monder became suddenly insane and Instead of reaching the Rocky Mountains Moun-tains wan taken toHellevue hospital New York While confined there hoof Imagined himself In I the foriard 1 turret of the Chen Yuen with the Japanese shells again pounding at Us side Us ended his life In the Insane ward of the hospital last April by Urine a pistol bal through his head |