Show EAST BOUNTIFUL OLD FOLKS Annual Ovation to Veterans at Which a Happy Throng Did Homage to Them snr Correspondence or the News Kast llountlful Jail 6 Tuesday January 2Cth was a gale 1 day In this thriving settlement the annual ovation ova-tion to the aged and the widows took place In the meeting house Which wa beautifully doald and adorned wllh the portraits of the pioneers who had lnoe1 aLvay nd whoe faces wre familiar to the guests assembled Their names and tile data or their arrival mere inched to each portrait i It was a haf p > thought I to allow those now mint and who enjoy the results or the labors of the pioneers who hae departed de-parted to look upon the faces of the dear ones who braved the tolls and dangers Incident I to pioneer life The Old Talks committee of halt lake City were Invited and on their a frivol were received hy the committee In charge A biasa band In a large I HelMl pieceded the prociralon to the meeting I house A Brand hand shaking was next Cottrell Into Unit a season OI heart welcome was enjoyed ieiytlilng In the hall was ns comfortable com-fortable us loving hearts lould iimko It happy smiling ladles young and middle mid-dle aged decorated with the ribbons of honor wero on hand tn vitro for a1 make happy ill the visitors Three long tables I capable ot seating one hundred hun-dred and fifty Potions were loaded down with the In si the land produced and growing pot Plant l ornamented them At the nl call of tin hall were portraits of Washington Joseph Smith President Bright Young PnuMfiit John Taylor and President AUlforJ Woodruff There were present President less of the Tals Stake Jllshoii Preston Illshop Burton Motor George Ooddald and other members of Hie Old I Folk eoniiiilltlf who all asulsted after dinner I din-ner to make the time fly quickly The 11 lo Mr Petition and ally wen among the Invited gueslfl They seemed to enjoy th ms < lMs heartily Bishop i Stoker may well be proud l of the noble bund of men and 1 women who nre Pikily to assUt him In honoring the sins and I srandslres who live In the garden I spot of Utah Especial < redr Is I ill to the IpermonOlt comnittep who IllInsa I It rmmnoC I that twice a Year th Mt r nnR Pre honole1 by u public dmon rutlon ONI WHO Wig Tiiciiii I |