Show 25 Years Ago o Today 9 From the Telegram of oC May 16 1926 Mrs Irs J. J W. W Cherry Salt Lake City was elected president of the Service Star legion of Utah at the eighth annual convention convention con con- held in Provo She will succeed Mrs Irs John Q Cannon who has served for forthe forthe the thc past two years George Georgc N. N Child superintendent of Salt Lake City schools will be speaker at the closing Mutual Improvement meeting at the L D S ward chapel His topic will be Why Make Homes and How to Make Them A proclamation designating May lay 22 as Poppy day and calling upon the people people people peo peo- of Salt Lake City to appropriately observe observe ob ob- serve the day was issued by Mayor layor C. C C. C N eslen Ross Beason has been named chairman of this years year's Community Chest campaign Lester Freed and Mrs 1 H. H R R. R Allen are arc in charge of team organization I |