Show TiE JAm BAY COUNTY A Rich Region North of the Present Settled Eastern Canada I Whet Rod Tlmho leglon Where Onc I WtvNeippI I Wakheasr 4al I 0 New York Nov 5A dispatch from Montreal ay s Henry OSullUan who has just ro turned train Quebec from another exploration ex-ploration of the James Boy country to make tie necessary leels and topography topo-graphy of tie region wllh a view to ascertaining the practicability of extending ex-tending the lake St John railway to the bay and also lake soundings and measurements ot the latter lo find I I nivere avalluble and Safe harbors can be had along its shore line belonging to this piovlnce report many Inter cstlng fads which throw a new and estng Important light on that far north country coun-try and confirm letorls of Us great weallh In limber and arable land On the latter he y I There arc millions of acres along the Nolawuy and the Loner Basin of the Rupert title as regards climate he claims to whie have seen wheat growing at Wassapal to have bathed in the wateis of James Day on Oct 3 finding I warmer than at Tadousae In midsummer There are also very rich and extensive exten-sive Spruce forests front a distance 01 olhcislde from fifteen of the to I height nf miles land on all I the tile way to James flay pome 01 the tree being lol feetIn diameter while beIng 2 to 2t4 feet while the supply of pulp wood Is I Inexhausll i ble I bleHe also claims to have found a practicable prac-ticable railway route the height of Innd 1 between lake It John and James Day being only 125 feet above sea level a compared With 100 feet between be-tween Quebec and Lake It John together to-gether nlth deep water along most of I the shore line of the hay In this pro vine while along the Ontario shore the shallows run out for een or eight miles there Is I actually a good harbor he says at the mouth of the Ilupert and with a little dredging another could be made at the mouth 01 the Notaway North of the height of land the country Is I undulating and free from mountaIns |