Show HAS RUSSIA A JIITIXf The role now played Ijj the Russian poop In the affairs of the world Is I exceed I ng y remarkable Renders or tile I press dispatches cannot fall to notice the anxiety with which all eyes In the Old World are directed toward St Petersburg Even the Ilrithii lion roara with leo confidence vahen the beer lifts his hd What Is I the destiny of ltuols f What la tile mission of the Salvonlo race In I the world < 17 If an educated ltulal1 were to answer tit case questions he would say that In hi Is view the Latin anti Teutonic nation have had their day ant have Ji failed to establish a civilization ado ute 10 the Details 1 sasitallld 11a 1oi A I would Admit that they time ncrotn pilahed great things In literature art F clerics and the development nf wealth bill Would aimert that tM exaltation of material Interests I abate the spirit uol I ones 10 n OOllleo of human misery Ha would state further thtt the mlmlon of hit poopliH le regulate the worn and establish a universal brotherhood This la Bald to do the ilream of the inllllonK who obey Implicitly the mandates man-dates of tin czar They believe In their ruler H a tiny 1j t In Itself O1 anti thy look forward 16 t a day nlien all tho world will bo under HulvMilc control Thin la i only another way of statins that the advent of the Slav senna to Imply the revival of the ran Met between the old and new principles between doilopo firm and de moc racy superstition and reason III 14 true enough Hint western civilization hn a made much proniees In Russia but those acquainted with conditions then > notice that nn the a educated classes remain first of all Slavs They may profess hostility to the existing ROT eminent if they darn to oak at all on tho nubjoet but nt heart they believe be-lieve In tho mission of their people they may profess to Ire atheists but their religious InatlncU are very much tho Same OR theme oC the common moujlk Were they railed upon to face i the world for the furtherance of their supposed national mleslon they would do go with the enthusiasm of the ancient crumadets The entire history of Rustil la sccms to favor the supposition that the nt some future time has a destiny to fulllll From a small beginning 1 she has risen to unpaialleled power What at first nan only the consolidation of dome In significant barbarous hordes has become be-come nn empire of gigantic dlmenlon Almost every year adds new strength to her powerful arm new wealth to her at resources Other nation have grown to maturity decayed and passed unity within the period of her history I but Jtuiala remains atlll growing That I lila la I for a purpose no believer In n Providence can doubt Opinions may lie divided as to whether the Slavonic Ivlllzallon ultimately will result In calamity to the cause of civilization and liberty but It J 18 certain that should 01 any lime an Alexander or n Nn ioleon ascend the tin one of the czars he would have at Ills command all the leans of spreading devastation over the European continent |