Show IIIEIIOMJVIM UNVEILED i The caroman lam of celebrating the fllllotn anniversary of the 1loneor mi Tint Into the Utoit Salt Like Valley have been InaKurated I by the UIvbll It fi I tie ol the status ol President lltlgbam Young lender ol the 1lonoori amid mange or Jay words ol iraHo cheer wt ol triumph the booming ol ooonon I ard other evidence ol rejoicing and i exultation at the magnificent results It which have followed tire coming to Ii this t tlon ol flip Mormon exllei who half a century o were BO raHuuder > tood and maligned that they wore loobetl upon an unwulhy Msoclatea 011 n I Chrlillan civilization to which i they were n boon o 1 prlcotesi value but which bad not learned to appncl nlo the Items that lay within III reach Today another spectacle ireaonli Itself wuleb though eihapa I nol yet all that may be hoped lor anil Is an lloUaledni emu In come ytt li bar blnger ol the brlgblnewot the future that la drawing neir The asirows nnd hardihlpiiil Ibo pall are now a memory recalled not In bltterncai but In gratitude for the present that the sweet ol flits loiter may bo appreciated appreci-ated ae too precious to bo permitted to pan I away The broader enlightenment enlighten-ment tho more perfect undemanding tbo greater harmony of Ibo ireient land an unerring gulilomarte to tho fill teller future when the Latter day Holnta radiate ol love and < goodwill to man unttuiled to them by the divine Matter In Wboe cause they made trill eacrlllco thai brought them through the desert to tile mountain ol Ibo Lord home will bo a delightful tar Ijlblo reality Intlead l of merely a food hope By tile divine Providence fifty jtarango 1resUcnt Ilrlglum Yon UK trod the pot where now stands the ilouoer monument and l anti led the city and Mate by tbeanuouocemonl of the decision which tested I with him among men of where tho 1loneera ibould mike their home Ily that mine Providence hall a century later President Wllford Woodrull who cute cu-te rod the valley In the lame wagonnlth Irtildenl Young Bad who baa tucceadcd to the imo apostolic rioter and presidency In the Church of Jesus Christ on earth vui the bou ored one among the honored Pioneer at the unveiling ol the Pioneer monument monu-ment and In the name ol too blessed Jeeue whose ApOBllcihlp bIB been uonfrrred upon him Invoked the blue lug 01 the Almighty upon the peoile In that present condition and for tilt future lay the Inhatoltints 01 these valleys 10 direct their footile8 lest this blcialng ball rest upon them that grace A virtue and I irosperlty thall dwell with them evermore and may the unveiled I Pioneer monument bo a reminder to them ol the great work wrought out by that table > band I under the Intestine and guidance ol Jchoxan la MtanlltulnR them In their happy koruen In tile vnn oi Ibo mountains |