Show lUHDEHED ills FAMILY Then Puta Build In His Own Head With Fatal Effect TERRIBLE DEED OF AN IOWA FARMER John tiher lievehores Ill Wife rind hit Chlhlrrntho Mother end 11111 I a lI1nIt carrolto Iowl Sept 27 Th 1 lighter or a mother and her sts rhll dren occurred nt the honi or John noccker ti farmer living olcht miles 1 rthwent of here last night Boocker fiendish husband conuilctoil his tiljotly work by Pending a bullet Into fatal wounl head Inflicting a li On I The family were prosperous Jermnn o d aa far as known had lived happily hap-pily No motlvo for tho tragedy hash has-h n disclosed sA Hoeckcrs victims nro his wife and cured H tinge children I Caroline I Ihrlttlne aged 9 Henry aged 8 Ui eli aged 6 John aged 3 und an In I fat All ore dead but Henry nnd Iho i lattr 11cockers cannot btothSr recover Heny from Ills I whu woundi Ilves i ftut tenlY rods away went to the 10 1 une at U ooclock this morning ands and-s the first to know of the tiasdy U ckr with his wile and taby tl l tin t-in a buck room and their nnvmii l lay n one bed The wife hid hen unit In < he neck with a shotgun which stoOd In the corner the baby had been shot ml JIM head had been crash Ill 1 the butt of a revolver The man ntlll Ir BtliliiB had a bullet hole hluh lip I r on the forfhmil anti by his Bid was a Rmlth Won revolver with two mber elJJ pty Upstairs lIenry and Mzzlo H > on n NIth hnllet holes In their henlB Jhfed the loller dead the boyII1 breathing In the opronsite corner if A MillO n CorollneChrlnllne John were room clcnl each with a bullet hole In 1M for head though Caroline hid 1 two I afternoon the lull to wrre lAte this liteItWdl still untouched the sheriff and coroner coro-ner being occupied I In nrrarielni for the Inquest still other Irflj1JJJJul undoubtedlY n mile of mur It was let end nlclde 11 bf Iwo ehll Iron met with Instant death for the Wool clots were nosier the huil and they lay at calmly In repow ns If In Sleep All except Henry vho Is I not yet dealt ve nltlrcd In night fallen Tho L noecker hnd borrowed from w won lili brother Henry last Thursday roo marking that he wanted It to kill rats In th 0 celHr H Is now recalled that Itoecker had allies then practiced tar gl fhuotlnu Ieeker Was 34 Years old and for tw nty years lived In tile same neigh Irhood In loci c1nthe same farm lie has been I uarded as a prosperous fmer and only recently bought a 100 lore farm a few miles from the old homestead Yesterday he attended Cnthollc seniceis with his family liter he was halted by a neighbor N he Pays that when ho left the Iloecker t home In the evening they were seemIngly seem-Ingly a happy family and not a premonition pre-monition of the nwful tragedy enacted P o Iw hours later was given by INker or tiny one or the household N embers of hI 1 IS rolher familY maybe may-be fill I no family troubles Ills IInnnclnl Snake were In good hnpe end they cm assign no motive for the terrible crime the other luind It Is that IIlt RVd 1 t Ohn had disagreed with I the Id ron r-on Henry oCr the occupancy of the Iarm on which John lived and this Iso I i olon1 hY Is-o nq lite cause at the trouble which culminated In murder and outride |