Show STOmlSWEPT SA VAN AII I aeorgla wit In tie Gnip of i Tornado for EfghlKit lloun rh I 1 I S lleary Loll ol Ul retl Savannah Qa Oct JfQ tlthtei hourt trim I oclock thia morning IIn til I oclock lonlghl Hannsh h bee In i Uit 1 or a WI India 10 nado During that limo the Ind blew ateadny from fifty to antnty mllrt an hour Uhllt thia clly etcaped with ciMnparatlvety HUIt dimage the lOll < if i > rot o > erty aemng the tea lilandi i tat Olla and South Carolina I coaita li I belleted to U he vy For mUll In tvtry dirtctlon around Bavan nah the lowland almg tht rlvera ari aubmergtd o On4y one fatality haa to far been reported re-ported tut drMwnlng uf a negro wtlllo Mtrmptlnic to reach tho land frinn et amall leiand near Thuiulerbold heavy Iou uf lift la I feared on Iho Houth Carolina tea lalandt where uch fearful loin of lltn occurrnl during dur-ing the great tidal I norm ot 1IM Th condlikmt nine art nlmllar to IhoM during that Motm Owing to tht tub merred country and tht liolaleil ID cation tf the lilanJi no ntwa tan b had frum them ut11 iht later iub lldet Fur eight mile north ot 8avann < ih I Iht entire country It I a lakt with ouly Iht hummock vinblr At noon Iht water waa eight f < ct abate Hit high ut tld Vrlten on bo b Ih north awcpt over binki Jod and dame rarrylrg It I 100aaal or Ih Ico cro Ih1 wat left tif the I Auguit ttorm and had i I rut been galhered and wlplrx out farm cropt Tht loei 14 rlctgrowtrt alone will bt from IWW4 lo IJSOM Of Iht entire rlct top al In Havan luh river valued at KM 004 all but about 1C oer cent wai toil In thl and the receding Rtorm The damage to ihlpplne la I conelder able The achooner dovernor Amti which waa on her way to tea wllh a cargo of IKK000 feet ot lumber went adrift In tht hirbor but waa tecured afcly The wharvet at the quarantine quaran-tine elation at tht tntranot to Iht river 1 here were partially carried away Four veeeebi which wtrt at anchor al Iht atatlon wen torn from their moor 1nn and driven Into Iht marthee How badly thenf venela art damaged la unknown No neMra haa been received I from Ty be tine tarty In th morning and nothing la I known uf the damag there Home tuburba of Hivannah all the toat houitt nn tht bankt and hun dred t f tnrall Uiata wen carried nway The etlenl to which tht rallroadi uffered It I not fully known The navil itoret and cotton ami lumber yard or lb Ienl Ilm1O lIb merged and tht tracka of Iht Central Itallroad of Ucorgla and lleorgla A Alabama railroad around the city art covered The north bound tipren due hrrt from Florida at noon haa not arrlted Telegraph wtrea ocept one wlrt I over the Wntirn Union llneaare down and the condition ot Iht railroad track u I unknown Tht Itltphont police and fire alarm wlret 1 art down and the city U I In darkneie On llulchlnion lilinJ oppoiltt Sat nnh and plliln Ih dl rom Ih oUlh Corollaa IholOlblre or mn negro famlllet reicued by boata from the revenue atiamen Tybet and Uoutwell One man with child In hit arme holding tht limit child abuvt hit ihnuldert attried lo croil tht dam wllh tht water up to hit body Hie wife with another child atood In thi window of thilr home the floor ot which wai already flooded by the rle 1 Ing water and watched her huiband feel till way ttep by ttep along tht t1h t1 all top of the Ihreacheroui dam ont falit tlep from which or a caving bank would throw him Into a awlfl moving current Finally he wai lighted from acroit the river on tht city al 1 < V A boat wai put In and after half an houra wrort tht man wai reicued Up wardi ot a hundred people wert brought from tht Hland lo Iht city In twata All day retculng partlei wert at work Tonight the wind hat aubilded but Iht water which receded with thu ebb of the tide during Iht alleiioon hit again rlien Considerable anilely 1 le I ftlt for ehlp plug at aia The ateamer Nacoochet for New York and tht iltamcr D II Miller for lloitun went lo tea Saturday night Tht City of Macon wai duo thli morning from Ntw York but hn nut ytt arrlvtd and tht Ity but hai not yet arrived and tht Cltr of Auguita tailed from New 11k 1101 nd w due h lnlhI Th ntnl ot Ih Im I unknwn ond IInlll hl oonlmunlollon I nlored or newt U I received from Iht cnll lIavannh aad Jk 0nIII ovr hlh Ih huvl1 11 I At II 1 Ulttll r |