Show IllltrillUV IIUIKrS I Ore llo evell of New York celebrated I r 11 ed Washington I Illrthday tiy m lng hi > signature to tlm bill lu prevent the mlenorsbiltg lultIn or Improper Oed if llo nUnul 1100 o In lIe rational laplinl Washingtons anniversary was observed generally 1 government lohrsr tIne lalarroriuonl and ulso most uf Ih stores There were a nurnlKrit ptlrlutlo meetings A feature of the lelebrallon ut the birth of Washington In las I Angeles wan a reunion of the blue and gray und a reception tendered den Shatter and staff the of the lied Cnos rl by Inline 11 no lloslon tllcbnilc1 Washingtons 111IA hi 1 0 genera I uollln lr Iainaa and Ih lu1 I rlnllnll or Oolls aol display or 1 The weather wan lull ansi rolll fell ul Inlrl Th governor liiTdu Vmpllon at tho male house The one hundred and slutyeliln anniversary an-niversary of the birth of Washington wan celebrated In New York city by n general haltda the general I display of f and luilbioti eenoro lci I Vanina patriotic receptions look pliica In the afternoon and evening In Roll Iraiulsci there wan n a ire eat susiwnsloii of ImsliuiHi Ihe clonlnu of the public schools and 1 lIe luddlng of literary cser lien 1 I several I districts Tlw annual I parade of the 101kn i depart inent of Han rruiulsco wan the feature of the days celebration Im I Philadelphia eien ida 1 were held In i Ihe nilini > of Mul 1 iindrr Ihe uut pices of Hie Inlverslty of IVnnsylviinlii Two ihousund ntudiiitn nirm Oral in pro i sslon The ra beebe Heth Ixiw I 11 I of Columbia university Ills toplo The Inllcd Hlaten in Kw I |