Show NOT BUT NAPPING Untie Sam Preparing lo Anything Thai MAY lljppM nEMARKABLE ACTIVITY IN THE WAR DEPT In l a of llentwr1 lliMillltln will Kplo Amrrlrit Mill IH Steady to Tale I lie llrll I I Vaihlncton Nov I The has bn l reimrk bl activity HIHIU tile Vote ile I leutnwnt for oevonil Ir In Shot way of preparln trout fur Service In landa bqraiKl the United States An order hut hu-t n handled direttins at leoet Io alI fH nta of the regular army now t United In Novel f3womilern fares and Foll I to hold IhtrnxlVM In I leadlneM for Im RMOIal tranaiwititlon and service 1 in tropical 1 rilmalea Moet of them reft mmta barrel Pont Into lh northern and western points So few weeks ag > for re cooperation after their Cuban caintxlcn Willie bollli IhnIU t44y fur SiaMitV Milk rrRlmenlii will new IM rt crullnt In thru mil alrengtll NoOiltiK In I paid amrimi n > in tables the prevent activity Inemov l ut there me eereral reasons eimnrM I I IP I l llrved tint 11 an early moxemrnt u l uha le I Intend I noinewhnt w > oni 1 > r than Im a loon lncTHlly uell vnl lorol it re An ilhef belief entertained la I that the Ifillnl fmim neTnttirnl ilealm to In In n poeltlon in meet any landllkme that assay grow out of the pending ponne rivadhations start In t In mullneva In I resume lioelllltka l If 14161A refugee to nepi the terms the American I wan commlMliitnni ffr In thin connote lion Intimation Iwo I not nlut nt durIng tllr Init Hie 11cla l > which ban I urcurte < l HiHiln linn Win mail 1 to form Dense i 1 of roallllon with Kiir > nn Slower I to Ik up live lTlrn not pler two lieen maklnc In the flw1allona i Another ron ghen Cir loll I So Hipmi mix lent of the i i v sea to replace tile reglmenli which Sam to Aviv fn I Iv1 ir ate 1 < l dlnlutbami lh best tow lie I Hit re 1ifted from ten V < wd a mm nmnd In ftintlmro provlno H may U that MIIII at The i Otter rKlmMitu are ileillnel In I rddac wool uiiten who hate Sweat I plexdlng to b Some I An Interesting feature of the matter in rlo fumes of tin Itnlleil I male au Iliorltlm IM order mueler bass of Ihe voluntere wh have recently returned I rrtinl IVrlo lllri Thee Scalia ties were Pont In their tximm and Kn lovely fare furlough but rontrnry to the plana heielnfor MI wi1 thy sea not allownl in 10 l mustered out if aervlr Al to Shot ten regular lellmente e ry iletHirtmirnt iif the gnvernment tine 1ren directed IO preir Supplies for them send In arrange Iramiurlii len for them oa soon ai they recelte Orders 1 to ntov |