Show t I WEATHER VANE If l ObSfnalions Taken at Vial Idaho I lantana Oregon and Mfomtu I Stations liP 1 I I Weather reports showing observe 1 I filing at 8 a ni todayi gall Lake City I Barometer 991 temperature I 88 minimum I I4 wind southeast 7 tulle per houi rain I trace lUnt ralll I I Baker City Barometer 29 02 torn I it I ror turr t1 minimum 8Jr wind Pout beast 10 miles per hauls role 14 I Inch clougy Cheyenne Barometer 084 temperature I I tem-perature 311 minimum 80 wind west 10 miles per houi partly cloudy i Havre Barometer SJVi temperature 1 I tem-perature 18 minimum I IB wind veil light rain time tartly cloudy Helena Ilaromcler 1074 tern era lure 30 minimum I 30 wlud Pout I west llglil rln I li Inu ca HouUy Miles City llaromeler 072 tern I peralurr 14 minimum 14 wlud southwest light c = i Wlnuemuica lliromeler 1978 I Umperalure 42 mlnlmuui I 49 wind ooulhWt I 24 0111 Ito per hour ruler 60 Inch rain I I Idaho Ialln Bsromeler 10 64 tern peratuie B2 j minimum 3J wind I mouth 10 uillea ml per houi rain I 02 I cloudy General and local foreeasts for 3D I holIra nl1dln 8 pm I gituidsj I For Utah IJ Kilcc uwun at ban I Francisco Halo touljlu Bud Solos day stationary temjeraiure Halt Like City and vicinity Itilu tonight and Saturday stationery Iou rOlaluro J II SlUTH Observer WastlitisBuroau Todays temperature It shown to tile flocalvalle tLeralonstaralvou uclaw 1J J L V190 Ive I 57kNUARDIr I I 57kNUARD 0 I I I THERMONMR I I 1 1 P 4 Em 46 I I 1 3r pAn 17 I I I 11 I i t I m III I 11 It I 1 r 1 I I pin 41 1 A 11 I lWi li 110 I an 13 loans 411 ga 10 l Born 00 1E 1 W J I 1 W Power wife proceedeJ lo odd od-d the assembly lie laid he will prretnt by command c the foverelgn people lie wag addressing pertons who differed lu pIIIICi knit roll lon from ulro and h tleuheeboilll I toy u > Ihlnv In b tsite rbati JuJKinroL lletleilred t say tome ulng of hlmielf portions I 11t he might Pet hlimeir fight He wa wllhliz totqulkee in the adult ilthxenat nalooteit lie had nn unnnced lillusflf a candidate but had all he would eudorte the rliutlon til anyableillvrr man and Dow Cast Ihe cinilium whom calls I e < puused lira none down to deal Trip ttaulard lie rnlird has been tlrkkni town rand 111hoUllf honorable Kenll man Sao been chosen I congratulate him T o cj neat engeuivrei much matt Lurnlui I Fnends and wen families wire tiveted by IllbUt toot allDiiuociat ihoulJ cinn totethir aid heal all wuiun mud bury nil nsi rrltii K The tfenker dliclaltned all bitter ailing aha i that he was a man Won would i er icaiu annther on rell LlouBiiruUlnle luu eTle ul Utah wele bcuttt ni d iloteire I and plovu I hat they wrreiuch H > a were on able olbulldln a great Bate Ha n pniied I li a appreciation of Ihil IIDII ir nl having I been 1 nominated tar Ihe United Similar Satiate by the Irv womau mutilator ever Ideoled Gal unbglreil her In eii unattlu terms Ho dwelt on the duties Xla retjouil lilies of members ol too IiIUIur and hoped I Fee n w let llutrsllty of leellng prevail umuui tie fieOLtoor thnHtate Human null mint be pir 0 tected by tile Inwmaknit low other wife the tiger In human nature will be aroused and under the lenier hip of tome mull 01 strong will I the mullllude Will owtal smdaall law Some have argued lhat btcauie of the features and retime of tbs lalo contest we abandon par y lines and divide again on he old Spouts which brouih so much mUfortiine lid torture to the lople n1 I may I I rue Jimocrailo party 1 great enough lo right all wrongs that exist within D1a the if eaker prouruocjj u eulogy on Inn Utinoortllo puly tll t lu futile ol Utah and pledged hlmiolf du 111 rUhl as Jjd might give him to see too fight Applatlle Fisher H HairlB was next third Uuced and nude Bonn ftolloituut re marki about the rivalry bstween mm hair and other cauOlauttt wliloi elldlcd laughter and applause Hi spoke with warmth big devotion his patty H alei Boil u uuliy a d desired ID lee eliminated Jrlu ll politic Ot HID Hlalr the qJBlllous goal have been vexing Iho purple This ortlnool ot 111 a oleotho h t he < United State Senate of flu J eeph L Iliwlliii will re > uui ordered spreid upjn the mKulesul the Joint Premium Sloan then arose lo a question 01 notations irlvlleic Iteltillogtotilo Ihhlaon letter he reiterated much of what hoiaU about lIon Weiuptday Hiwakliix at Binie length He contented tint it showed lhattho writer Jld nulbolj hit high rat alleglsnce to I the Slate and file nil mall of such seutlineuts was III ti Law a legislat r Itobluion rose sod read the litter In full ciIalului < It and denying that It si owej his allegiance 1 to the Church w B greater than In the Stale Too fleausal referred to In the letter he amid was that ol the lowly NMHOIIP and when ho had o Milt title j eb lody bs was bld uy tile lobby as the word ol truth It I Dieted In holl11t oddet011 do not hold my allegiance to the church as higher than lo Van Blair lui I do re gardthenUloifOf an Apostle as one or the greatest unclltj Bouillon next rote and explained why he boil ben iiuible tu auport Moves fbalcbar mail A Ilollowul by Hanten who 1Iulod thai hu bad teen elected to the JUjlliulure without being a olllisn In uruof nl his denial he soul tu tile clerk dealt and hid read hli orrlltlualii in uliuiri snip which showed that he was ii > tur allieJ lu this city In the Thud dlitilii court In 1670 Umoot dieted a preamble and rewlu lion Iuollnt train an eJltjrlal aitlcle I In ytBterdayd isib In fvleieuco lo Ibo niobocrdtln uemunetratl that took place during the Joit tisllal tc verely ciltlclilng the little beiau t Us alleged Ujuiilco 10 rretlJeul Ntbe Same SameOn On motion 01 Sloan Ibo trALI < aud first revol 11 tier devo led utility 10 the N M8 wool sttlckeu out The remalniugrerulutlQu Wn then tuloit el follows Revolved I that we exnreia our appreciation appre-ciation of tbo able anuTirapitllal I I manner man-ner In I whirls the PieslJent ot Ih > asdembly lie cooduld Ito Proceed InK and that we hereby cxpretn our oonllJenoe ill l hit ability and Integrity fig a Presiding olllel Wilson nijved that Ibo speeches Paulo Lei ru the joint anembly by itawllnt Thatcher Hendertou Jaw Wellepjweri and Hard le irlnlej In the Journal Alter iltbste Iho mo tion t pruvalloj This inlnutut of the Joint seulou wore read Gill approved aws 1 It adjourned sine die |