Show Himllitni lnclllo tollllon Ciuco Cal Feb 7At 4 oclock this morning as overland train Nos ID and 17 WHO passing at Nord n small station MIX miles north ol toll city a collision occurred whlou dely failed three agoollsor Ca Am aDd badly amSKUd the engine attached to the orthbound train rjuveral poGo V bo wire In the overturned cars were considerably bruld anti oGO maD a 11 lulhoJ a iraolure I of the left arm 1 he following account woo fumlsboj 10 all Aucld IWAN rpDUllv b7 an ye wltuent douUibsund tram No 10 reached Nor just before the northbound grain lead 18 runulllK all t3 the IJlrack when tile lute lulu ruibud pst the depots and before any rliu 1 > l could be given dashed Into tlio southbound conches derailing tile tmoker Ills Olds day coach list 1 sltepur Tile day coach I wan thrown on Ui elJe In a largo pool of water 161D Ibo overturned OAt were many pogo among Ihum being seven deserters train Alcatraz who Were II charge of clHccrs Tho prisoners were chained together and when the car went over the wildest contusion elijned for a time T < > add to the alp comfort of the paeaengors a heavy rain was lalllng tile limo A wrecking rain was Immediately telegraphej for and arrived at ihu scene of the accident about ocluckP As noon as povelblo tile paafenitert Were taken aboard train No 15 anJ I brought to t Chlco The awihunund I passengers were token Aboard the local at 11 oclock and couvijoj to Sacramento The man who suffered I train a brokun arm was Lroujlit to this I City where meJlcal aid Was procured for him |