Show AMUSEMENTS Tile Order Ann tour oper myTh prrerrteJ my-Th Mikado tit the Theater nn Widne evening last before a fair ilaed audience ThU oxra was to have been revived by the Halt Ik Opera comguny tout out nf regard for that effort uf Hit OgOMi company tla pramotroloaticits Iou been deftffI fir 111 0 pnirnt Much < < the music of the Ml kado It I written In imnur key and It bUheti nuck wigailialiKi uni ti produce Ihi proper and lr 1 > nded effect nnd U la I not aliurae that on uinateiir lompnny I ihould tit parlance rom few Illtl I In r Sharp lurh amraylrg S front ill kiy or anipilIM the urcliMIra ocrnlonaNy I ur Unflra benin1 I whtre the 4lmt Increase The thing are rrmedlnl however by f rationed peat tic and a UA < i bieivan of thi con ilutinrVi iMlon The pnwh In l of the Ogden Open cwmpJiiy n that malt ocI t aMe shave nnr the luk nf vufllcltnt atralairl Ch art di the ladlrt who Orr prlghtly goal 1 illplay vlm e gn1 itiii 1 Tneh llnej too HIT ably bar Jleil for the man pin vA all wm b milnx ly I cojiunttJ Mary Xw I n Hepburn wh > run the datln < Kir > nf being the liter jf Allc Maine We l lHng 10 PrAtil or film 11110211111011 Ili rI d riff of mme abllty In the Carrier rblnAIruli line Her v lei la rfih apt full wits upper i itri thv are i fear I u1 l tui I fl I C Iniirl got I rain uit Mnu I mon much for the 1411 aa her v 10 l to 4 f tile MM iifcat t VtI In 4 P1rA1o1a1 I ilnctloi < i ir > make up and atflun tii made u plendld Yum Yum n < iw hIM 1 Crowding the aljarnt ryUm114 Which Auri her malarial teenalle I t Minx urI Pool M In Class WWII at Map IM UhUh and Mil Vitro were mi 1 ivmciltKl Mr A 11 I t Ant IarrmerfaI3jr Oaten Mankl pelt wua fairly iraa1 i atie far ai ho buiiut of thii part ii oncrnnl but nu I > > ao was lurdl limvy ernwii u nil Ow ieUJrTiile land Ko Koa mjntleaii uher hMvllyfvw Mr I Canllika XIA 1 ul In If iMugh lit rulllnl Vllh ii4 r avlour Ij Mil ni a local gag thai < night 4h lisuie Mr I Comxiy 1rvi evil I ht part of IXioh ilr Jh with I kA l > Hi i mueli d1jargly overl Io j klrsr < hn I W I imnrti fir KJ31 cor rk In tin tinea ntilgwJ the rot jJh Tuih ui vrtf l I d by Herbert It McalllUn aril 1rank CJtn t appnrid AI tba UlkadJ MIl IJUIaii May fayiur won ilia KMlulu aral 0 lit save 0 > ery g ad Icterprij m of Iht tolo rr11 liurpo iJoumi I r nd atM hat f Mra irfpburn atre ll received I Thi i > h rua wail tuneful in sags fast II ng a > a IJ II may l I irrd the Ifid I carrying off hi 11Ine man tan equally nllli tin proiiulii The wiiilcat ctndurtiir of < lu ml b 1 n Cwa 1 upmiy HIM have quicken his pint 1 a nid r ly In orJer lo krill up iv h toe train I renterLa f anappy iigli upVra mte fl a or tells If the i > ri iir day Tho It t j lift of iiiunto of 01A kind U In III Mr C49UI brlik jimpet Attila unit ih > goal c M ot thUG things depend very ma I a nally upon lilt cor ltr r Bull tik cOrtaltily x4ve the OwJ slatirefol n IAJrM voth111110 Orld 1111Wil11 1 1 hut as Pllau Ant Itivarrarn ul n thin fIr IhI rljr nil vattliese he dnl 1re A Nee the Nomparly again In the near Cu I life Thea Thankrielviog Itotlon at this Tb Ater coin ItII 1101 flialA yrawool hllllou illead o2trAV JXJl1ZA In nn n Manhatiin prevailed under the dl re 4i of John IMI Way livery avook and i orner of thi Thiat < r was mini H n rh the a miles fairly gnjnlng un itr I heir told cf nunMinli nnd con t nuoiia appiAtaoss emanated from A li iiuai en ai tie trtrii in 1 of th plec va rrr pretaitl In Oayrtt Hrh4tlin 10 l it Pomhinall4nofiperraltirafrimli lInlr6 lei Poll the o t r intorillption J whit wouldordlnatlly 1 l IN cllel a i nnnuui rrfirinuic living the real t the cui ilnat Intervals fw n change I r inl effele mind threes A 0nHnu IM of Kit rooter making There Ii 11 I I X90 11 I e i I I P I I I 1 1 I I n I spin frkno n41 1JhJIr 7 total a ehaj w f u it iry running IhroLrjh it Lilt that brains m hanlly knooiwhrr anl mat nm early Thli 11 I c 4 I r > t impart fai uur Ilth Ha 3Ird1vFr on lit earn 111011 un OrUiei uxe of In lay Nlij Y irk TB IUilnef Ii I on the rime ord r but not II pungen or rvw in fart many nf the fraiure nf the hot t named ar rtru Cinema In this > iter 1rihj inn The three iionol In layrat 114raittian art Iniril Iarka parlor ut I ib II 11 1 WU dolt and the linn til Rooter A I1U < OctAve liatlloo and Jnln line so ap pearM Uri the < llrtln uied juseciess of Mon 1 WaWirf and uips Van Aiw Jean 101111 n A 11I11J I Illoarltho oUIIIy MINN I and file OOf hllet In null rnle nhllr the rtioruei Inale atl frnrlie accomtnoOatrd llrmnlve to others rIs m nor tritldc bkrel lilt 1 ILIvinion i ratio In Oiy7 Ittn batten la chock full of murtc from be maintains i end am of It wing fairly bad A llnultll is a particularly clihchy as Sri Introduced Profit ntIIfO asill be given throughout hirtsnatnecrAt the wrote mill n poputir jorold mail I IIIIOW allornAln Ill llenrra mlnim crowded the Vw Irani for two peifimunrn rop KTlay i > mrrn > > m And overlies mmair bt Ing rrfdieil oilmliilonai the home line roId lo III utmi vapwlly I r ancei I wm IM rlvr nnlsJii and 10 I i I I arrairiw rlrn viah an see m1ln I marrairrIva I Murh in E refit Is i being taken In the I ttrpinrxn 1 the Th str on M I > miy ind Tulle lay rvenlngi nen of MfglclI I in Ri liar I It It authoritatively iiuted j that K oar I it I rmpuiMblt Mr Ih pro I duel n nf mary of the nurioni used I b > ll > mm the wtrard whj died same time mines and train In uallll he hire rut filed other fatclrrartlog aril Inex pluilil fat nf the eonjuir art thai will be produced peral by Wm ntxi week WMI U I Mllr an upiiMt Incle I Torn Cabin show will m0pAr at the Theater next nik ORIKI ithe Juniittnn rtly W114 IhningKl I with PAR tiketa ymerday thf Special ratilocidell rat Int the Visit of 1ie opera Military etch ler lln g < o torooll the crnwd of rtirfiri lie very re IwciaCilt Illyllormnow tin aoshol r ont would face from Che mttropuli wir I In lrnrJI the fonhall Rotor the Oalhutlc fair the dae hall Amt the itteMln Iht evnlyNC The Mission WM nree < el Hh a eipleiuUI ienaane nl the Hir waitc it wl h a vim I sell vessels much aptrerliinl I liy the assuallop Mh Levy In I Ih i of Otrmalne ltaepinl alter I wall hearl tn Rid id vantage hr rich ror ratio vole fine ataanv out In Over hIIlIb tone much I 1 o the iwllfact in if her many lmlr frit The other iwairla plied a < they wer an tin Inltlnl prtMMUm her vy to nlan 4ily 1ud Mine Iyar final 11Kt Ockiltrd Sptairtr Ilylorl I Nagoid Clmrh1I dlc tomial wkirk Ina I the ndillol > of their roppoetnIv > role unit I rmltlnK uiMllntot applawr nnl rev I cad 1 rival Mar upiritlo rii1y dlrrxl It the llee1 11 1 made IMU ami All In all tho Hip < o Ogden va a bccit enjoil > > Area uroflMCile I Th ringer 0 flat their rileol renirrnl n the ore K < r9 9hort f ln ex > cUI 1 the train reverts IIIR Max Uk holI i ly Move one Vclwk |