Show SEiniCMTilETAIICHNAlll V I I I E I I I I I l I Rttwnnl Elders toperl 1 Tlwr LAws hi tile I Minion field I 111r l1r1alip Idox PeNcho 01 She 410 11mad she IllIstat I1bIc1 Uh1110 1 111100malITF 1 II I I Miser n site M I Cnnnon irciMrrt of the Stake ptesidmi over Uno owvlom il ih Tahmittle Sunday afternoon July i 104 The rhilr annir the hymn loid I I Illinois Itlit boar me when 1 ray I am torevet I little lrayer I u offered tr IJhlfT F A 1Im D1 II I I 10 l dr further aunt Ui0iliplen I to the tnimrrton They aounl for votumerri ri ler John II Taylor win ha1 In Ioro < I aa a rnlnvmory In treat nrlii mass the first pakiir Ilia rorleirt won that trr work ihrra wni i I Ints I rnorably haitkmo ln TM I I Ultx Social alloyed awl a fall i In 1 lln lloapel and III ordnallelp I IIll 1 Iftll Irmly inienderrrt In trw h art > f th ir = it roil Miller Tayl r spirit e1 th inith l In vucn ih rr in apr IIOllh I I I rtnilnlri of the u MI n t ulna tn rn = i ih dlalnbirtkin lot trIa Irn h iw ill bats still I th 1Iding If joilaf > Ist never and wherov l i 11 = l n l > if I N I n it C kdr inri 11 I > t II ri era wer alio 1 nil I J J In air I 01 I I l I h I I Alsi I h rp l alto dda i In this way n I i In 1 f H 1 I Ini rarhj lint n ual I I l Inlrwl I In 1 her wiiya unit I I h r M N IN riie that iniran if IIititim 1 l mI1 I mil lo th 31ortwin l l r ili 1tlvai I blessing Mom and in ir I lei i < re I Inn I atUldnl with 1 r Nottjr speaker llll hlblil 1 In the Nnttlnl tain roirfnnnc nxltnil I anti I hall < A iwl ticrd much Al > and I Io imh n In hla travel in HID mlnltr IMrr John II 1 I Hull I I j aak a resumes I mini nary as from Unit liriuin wa > the wait tiakr In radiation has wx lot Iran tn I he mutation fMd Uklir 1t Italley refvrrxl 40 film labor In Hull I And llradfnrl 1 Knglinl the rn > < m of Hi t iJ arms tile InduMri of UWM IMrtleular Wit06 Hll he h I found many i l Iefal In hh travel he hi I seen to nn extent Ui wl kmlneai If the wonl and hut bvolve truly mn1wrI Olt the aavli i inwer of ih lloaiwl and live tolorm and I ItoWmMa entoynl by than < rtio lived 11111slolsomew floor cdtli r = lit 10 II Hi I In N trial n < UntT 1 I I n naldrat I opimltlnn tthll < ellieol iHit hall learnnl Ihta the lord waa with Ilia 1 Fiblerst when they would ik Him In humliny toad wok far life aa l < lawr The young women lahmli In Volitional M > Ij Ui leaker wr atioll Uoln a K work and their iireiwinr Somali Mt al bought iiuiny fallarir tlmi lia1 bern Iz IVnntUlaalrd In ntitrlllon In he fli I I Th speaker li I rnk Sled lita I lit I I 141 raTh Vallust UK nol I fill In lhank Hnditun Ito hid l rn rlrlleel to enlace In llll min I lorr Kldrr Jidda II llaiman nit 1 opok II iMd Instants In ih Hrnodlnavl nl 11 hiI I inlMlm field his I Irat la i while aliwnl i ST I lovidjoh pai I wt 1ad bT unil 1 tn Ise I n Maximally In rllnvl ilia 1 troops if whom wr llv Inn guests lives and Sitting still priplar lox ihrmarlvra Sir the nri Him of II tell lloNl Rider I Human tint x lisollsonem I was In lisp rlly of Slilm mhlih two year Sall Was rwllrally flood on far aa Hi loiiiel of Ju hrltt was nmnid IHIIienl lalora on tile iwti of the aim anl Hnlnli I limit I muM ah ut a rhanawl ran all lion of aRalr and UKW wnklni lhra oln wet until Variation = 111 felt that tile Url was with Meets in I their troy An coming tile people Slider llaiman fell 11 prop Solenoid I In Hi rau i It liiiltl ami 1 holvill tlnl Shot Points at 1 Urn woull I remain trills nn1 faith I fill vn untn II send 1 not IT llrlihatn Aounc at tile l until un-til if tile 1111 H > Ilirn idlrarl Hi I fniTOnllnn He lfrrnt til Hie Into In-to h h I Imi mayor a report f him Poll lata t 0 In the mtnlalry 01 I n I jnrs l film mnark then mlit lita u r Ih relnrrnl Illera IIr today The I Millen wr liiuli 1110 mm thrlr Ill rln0 I wry lnillar 1 h1 He Ilion 1 I I I UI 11 Ill they toldold litel rlart prola ill 4 that Stalinist ly I Ih Savior arms I I 11111titalell I ly the Vialre I In eaillrr > or Kldrr T uni rpiditil l I lo kn iw Hut II 1111 wit Ir ndlni loll I i Mini favor In tile utih lip WON I Infrnlliflh ma1tionlon of ml P11nots wi ik carmine tile IOPIP al road 1 IIt I TIt wre li fear Hie l llll mi Hal would irii In I totaling Mom at INa I I The iiwikrr ref rnd W I tile trnlrnryj I at In in In Polls on w illly alto and I roll IH < limited Thi small 1 he wag n danirnua mn lltl in of attain unl of l iul I W nwt 11 I I Still If the Points mould ruin Ih favor of ih lowl mad I lain I Hla lileaalnca Tli u wh lad nKlvnl lie Mosses Ills I ml rave I I it te1 In aerve she If r1 rounh fnn1 1 iinil HroiMli rvll report hOl1oI I keep on file minor forms 1 hr Points In I vors tfvil 1 nlMihr it horn or In a firricn 104 RIHII it nnitltliin woull ir ilounl 1 In time er4111 and kn As llem 1111 I H I hil 11401 uf rrlllud still 1 righteous II The lWlkr 1 alle1 allnll In than wh hail I susto all serve their country In the prewnl r ndlrl Many train Ihl Plat VeriP aon OIl Lsaftrdqy Hilnli I Ai mh Shot ih uld opt out In the Scar if H N lord d I pen I in Him for aa NUOIInr 11 after IlIn Full 1 lie would I mill h TlTanft lr r flux refrr d ill Ills rtmasko 41 osvairt 14unday ago and the furore hh they hal erected 1 Mlll nwny IIA4 1 fit I I nloltia him far wit iwiiklni he hall I llv i A ihr hand It h-and risen now fill I that ra h1 I spoken ndvln lly On Ihli pi Inl the aiiknr teliieil hla oniirl Mists In I 11lro I Menl yeira an A hen In I hll IrAV4 IN through that Sn111h mob OIl INonIo he ni h1 I k llot fovvr vahkh mv a Previsions t0tim it I the miinlty i 11 I nhlch 1 our aol I Kara arms volunteers had rone Than wa vM m In nil ilunti and In any ain that might I he taken whether to Igo to war ir un a mission I I flat spirit if the Lord should be tunil I after and Ills r1II ilman I atknl fur that In all that million nf 11 Sall lit wniill he acknowl Maid I gas the nivtr nr all iruwl ant II Irmnri at all nha would I Pk Settle Him Th pukr millo nais frit hli 004 nu hll country and In I thi II 1 believed wilis llu proper order r ihina War wits a larrlilr thing lat I Its I a Slash far the right l Ind would t 11 lilt those who vaUld week AIIr 11111I Ir tllit Anams M rum n nn tl i a Main 1 Mmtnrlal rvi fir H i lay nml and Invll1 the Saint In 1 witIM14 I III ireiiami to contribute In such 1 rlhv ratio Th I chair aTini flat ulhm llnlltlujili li llrtlnn was pronounced ly IAtiItt h Jhn Imllh |