Show HOW I DO IT Make Clever Mates Match-Mates Here is one housewife who admits ad mits she has procrastinated long enough about sending us her hints Here they are l Ir Mrs Doris Dori Peck So East found that mates match-mates brought color and harmony to her kitchen She had a cannister set and a metal bread box that didn't d i match so she pained them the same color and match matched d them up with gay decals She also wanted a metal soap container to prevent her powdered soap Editors Editor's note Do you have a practical and unusual answer to a 3 housekeeping or rear child In ins ing problem or a beauty trick to share with your neighbors For each letter appearing InThe in inThe inThe The Salt Lake Telegram we will give gi you 1 Send your our helpful suggestions with your name address address address ad ad- dress and telephone number to the womans woman's editor of The Tele Tele- gram ram from getting wet and lumpy so soshe soshe soshe she took a tall fruit t juice can for this purpose painted it the same color and also trimmed this with a decal design She has used peanut jars in the same manner as well as flower pots for tor her kitchen window A little late in the season but still good ideas are these for your outside picnic table Paint Painton on the gay decorative tablecloth use an empty pump pumpkin in shell as asa a container for your cut flowers The pumpkin shell can be kept fresh by dipping it in paraffin Wash Vash day can be made simple according to Mrs J. J Mann 1030 So East When hanging clothes on the line smooth out belt ties on house dresses and aprons also do the same to mens mens' mens shirts Straighten the collars collars collars col col- col- col lars and cuffs This makes es them easier to iron Hang colored clothes on the wrong side |