Show A L1VKLY li UNA WAY In ITliIcli jclijontr J mOl ll ys a Inri A runaway State street nearly joaopea1 Bohooner Jim shortly after one oclock Itday A peddlti wugon attached to a horse of uncertain site came dstblng around the corner of Blate street Irom Third South and tan Into u telephone poll displacing dis-placing the teat ol the wagon the horse rushed 00 dn the well side of State street and when about Ibe middle ot Ibo block between Second and Third Bjuth 611ASSIO was about to Craig the street when be saw thObOtleou Its hdlou rUb and ollb one of those active movements ol which Jim Is the sole proprietor be railed big magic wand and the horse pd on pool nlm The climax came when the runaway run-away retcuea the corner of Third Bjuth street when ou making a sharp turn the wagon keeled over and tbe horse turned a suaimertalt Ibo air resulting In Us reuslving an ugly cut 00 lb bUD IbOWNSSOUSUL11180011 Wake some empty strawberry cases lay ueaped up on the street corner Jlmsiood and viewed the proceed log from the center of the street exclaiming ex-claiming the fool when be caw Ibo horse tumble over |