Show CONNOR AlAIN A 5Inu Ullli I Merrill fur Stealing Olannvaro Sent lo Jail Joko Conner the erstwhile com merclal traveler who some little ago pleaded guilty to the theft of a ijua lily of glaksvrru from Iho Little Itoundyeulabllshmenl was lined I 25 Iu tho police court today for a similar ollootu Contact got 001 01 Jill last uISlll BULL directly went forth said turned Ibo same kind cf a tick He terms to have u mania for stealing glassware as he Immediately filed himself forth 10 DinwoodeyPe place el bulne and got way with aiiuantlly tf goods there Hla aneat shortly tallowed > and as a uinieiuenie the ely jail will be his abodu Ir Iho next wenly five days |