Show 11 I I I NO STARTLING I 11 I I FEATURE TODAY It 1111 to It Prices are Slightly Weaker Than ulA on Saturday I II tit FOUJt ACE IS SlKOiiOLMl li f 1 9 Staley tVmkprPrlr 11 of Lewis 611 rhan 110 at Germ rion Frollon siryIlkinionth In IIIl11 r I r I f TODAYS 7 1 Imnn rOi I I i 11 I 1111 1 nld f II 1 I I CM11iO CJlIfn HollHemmeomtetJ ICU 1 There were no atarlllng features < in the unhinge till m rnlng I A good atlendat if member still Visitors Afore refHnt and The darll btulne ft A Iteeint lh > fair mm if 14110 0 Vastly u iakir today than one on-e Hatui ho m111all al M llowed by lleywr M irl n at 47 and U > er Mam 1 mot a at Ji Ft ur A iinviod up Ili t rs mill 4 I 1elro whhh vitin In tonalderabl doa do-a mand fell lo MS 11 Mammoth WAX n little stronger Billing Bill-ing al II MS while Uilena changed band at II I and Northern Waist al LIt Ingot nnd Omaha avid at 11 and 3i rosper Ivory Sunshine responded atM at-M and North Hwaneea al 1C Kremlin brought IV < Midnight Iluwfl W and I Lamp Floy I 1 vent noting figures were in follow LISTED UINHB Stocks Illd Asked < Alex ion 1 Albion 6 I Alice M 67 Ii Alllni go GO Anchor GO 111I lIulllnIIk II 6 00 nlnnlnl Iuk II II 00 110 I hlorldo 1 PInt to I 0 110 I ono a 1110 T1frort a M Der 111i 1110 t Del ytV 1111 II D 111 Val t 0 n IAk 1 11 IInl 200 110 3 r rour I 19tc Area JU J 4 11 UflfIrlo tI 4 UIII II S1111 I libliftis HIng 31 g l t al don late jjli I 3111 I Iland Varier 0 0 11 I I lorn Silver I Is I to i JlI Ifaininatil r Uu Of MAolh 11 I 9I Alreur G P4 1 11 I Northern Light 17 al Ontario at II Onlo 760 111I 11 Im 110 W Haeramento tlI H Sunbeam 47 III lIunhln 7 61 Go Silver IIng 43 00 GI 00 Star CnolldAt III III 1 I GIHwn t a l 4 WH 4 III I South Rvosaxest 111 111 Showers II U Vluh 10 10 UNLISTED WINES a Block Did Asked lien nutter ii I lllngham 11011 I Placer GI 00 llulllon Heck Tunnel 24i G illue Hint ll In I lllue lllrd 10 II I Iliiton De IM Mur I Buckeye 34 I I ami Floyd 14 Ili rntury 10 t Contra turil w ii 4ti III lolutnblu 1 1 ml < > < k 10 M Crown PoInt I I nf Mload Con to a nllon is Diamond oil 10 10 I Nestle and lIIu Hell I 0 110 1 Emerald II II I 1 will POP Iii f IA 11 0oIdjJWjl 110 I It Ooldei Star a II I I iiercut I I I to mmotake 10 1110 i I 1 I ernational Glio II Joe Iran or 114 11 1 Tl Join I hitters l3stenskin I T Imlln 1 0 9 I IA 11 1 96 i W I 11111 0 It hlt 1 I 111110 11Itolburg Hit lilt t Al nhUu Iii Martha Washington cr 10 lay Vay fA n Mhlahl 110mirto 31i 34 1 1 North Hwatime 11 IGI Jlnbhll a Foot II IS I I lllhmond Anaconda loli I Hacrnnienlo Call t 0 I I Kilter < loud I a HuroeM a t Tetra to Olt n Voil 11 MVt V WI Mnuntnl Placer j 30 it Yk lollduted lOMj ion i i STOCK TH VNACT1ON I Daliy coo at 86c t103 at Iii 300 at II 1 Iou Aces WO at f 7H l 1000 nt nf I 1IIn 610 AI 31 lIfrlIAlon too ot lie 100 At 41111 1 100 ut 41 f lou Mammoth GOO lit 11141ke 100 at 15 1 Mammoth ioo at II KJU I Northern light 1W At IJlI Ingot 110101 i at 17U Omaha WU at WUc COO at n Bunnlilne lot ut UUc KM 1 M letro 1010 mt too Mo at 19 K MO at 114 TiAll at 110 North Huatim looo ul Ho 101111 I Ioy 110 al Ic Kremlin 21101 ut IIe Midnight llontm 11X0 at 3Uc 10W tl 5Si r HW mI 000 at SU aeller CO days Number uf sharp sold I 97 SM Sol Ilia aluo ofjituki ISOIW > 11 Ilitys UI Ih 13haoc The call on the Halt Luke Ixohanfre IOdf moullod In Ih it wle uf 27100 I ha1 fur 180611 MARKET REPORTS I M IV Mlllli AIA11711 1 Now York July 31Th reuurtHl our ou-r of telluw fever at the Hampton f kl fd feerlolw J Va HoldWra home Ha u depressing I Ill1uoo on tile southern railroads at I fi the openi fit tit tile stock murk loon t 1 OthWI the tnoloI 1 upOard I tile Iron unit slet1 1 stocks bnllllnllorlll I ly I treat Itrort 10 i Ili k < h < inq tendency f the Inu loIn dlo I I I lOll pro 01 uIIAlIln lIhu h n vllfOl1U 4 track A11 Ii lutia 1 Hager and Th u lit Aclyll I Tr r i kin oftr 01 I fr oly Miumhll rr ur i It b inn removed f 1 m thi i IIt111t Ir I ur tlew hr a rulll d 1 11 nod Hi miss a brk l domanil for the m Ium Nd Issues uf othir silor 11 parts it new competition In the sugar l 0 finite aamml selling or Amall Matter keepina It down tthe hol I point V0 I I era I Kteel a hl hi lagged early waj run uji A point Improvements fwaxto a points were common In the general run at epeclaltlea but the railway were lei lining except In Isolated cue units I were In I fair demand fttta Mt Sugar raw firm fair refining 11SH Centrifugal M MM 44 inolarM sugar 3 13IL MONEY Stories on call steady At mint Ma 1111for Prime mercantile Paper 104 for tit Sterling exrhang easy with actual butlneMln banker I Ilia at I Mil 17 for dnnan I KIM 1126 1126 for M dityai inateil rale 4 lit on I 4 M and IHItI lalMllB 482 ViL Silver certlDcmtea i Uo l liar Bllver eo H Meilcan 1 dollar II Government bond nnn U S fa I 1 r rrr I Mil I coup = JO T A = r Mfi new 4 r g I W new 4 a coup 1 M old Ve rf I 1IH old Va coup Ir H Ill 11a rot eve IIH i f da coupon 1 UK ttiirtdii iII < J1N Iliotiucr Chicago July 91 Yellow fever lit Newport New Va caused an almoet aenaallontl brook in Jim letuhm today and trailing In the hog rommodltle wan much more active than In the grain pit Th weaatieaa was Mortally ai liarenl In pork where liquidation t WM heavy and iieralelent Hetitember pork which cloood Haturday r lilH opened today I at from lit to lit recoveretl In sso rbtl almoet immediately turned downward uniler large offerlnga touch Inn I n lAter It recovered to IW Init dropiml at am lo III Wheat KM decidedly weak at the opening Heilember started at mvn and Posed oft to 9M191 and rallied toWS to-WS PLOB heatJuly WH Rept H0r I tornJuly fill Kept 9Mi iMIJuly MU lipt ItU 201 111j IorkJlily IIS Kept in IMlJuly I l7Wj pt 3H nibeJilly 411 H Plot IM Aill WheatNo > red tlOti No 3 rail DetTOti No I hanl winter 670 tt No MONto 6mv No l northern spring 70e > 71 No I da H70 No I spring 04 > 0 Corn u So 210 i NSL It llil OassoNis t Nti No 1 19 Plax4111 jwtlwr + lI IIYO41 t Timothy IM LIVII HTOCK Ilogalleetlpta KM 1 tomorrow 17 ft nw left over 161 Market weak Mixed ami bttlobera CIA f < < 440 good heavy 4W 4 4W rwuh heavy 100 tt 4611 light III e 4 TO l attleIKcelplB I 70 Market steady t lleeve 4W n IM rowit and wlfera t 11 0 LID Texas survival 1 110 0 SH locker and feeder 1401411111 8htillclpla 17 WO Market alealy Cheep III tf S II lamb 40 a > a il DICA41OA14 CITY 1111 ruell Kane Lily July IITattle 1 rJ II Vt PIP MM ramify I I 400 Teiitna Market Mar-ket steady to strong Native aleere 11 1 ft SSI Texas otters MO 0 4 M Texas cow Log V its native cows and helfera MS 14U statuses and food = l 7 it ofk I t arolpts 4oft Stiorkew steady to joloor closed I weak hilk of Ims 1 j Aearly 41 l heavy 436 0 Mf liacKera UI 0 111 mixed i w w 110 looker Ighl 4 HI 4 ati Torkera 4 I7U 0 4HH pigs ltln 101I Dheepllaiwlpta ll Market steady lAm l 4 00 wif S 7S muttoni 131 41 110 11111A1116 1111 IllItC119 Omaha July II Cattle Iteceli ti HIM Market strong to 10c higher Native beef offers t 4M8S7S wealer 11 strikes 100 0 4 W Texas ateera 1 3W a I 411 cows and b0tors 350 It 41111 a tiers ua tt UI stalotra and 1 fmaer t 0 Inc higher at I7S If 4 76 curves 1 I ou ffCSO bull stairs Hi 1 I Miff 410 IinkItecell1p 2tia Market steel ly lienty I iiIY 49 knizooll 410 irfi light I 1 4 S7t r 4 17 lit Ilers I 4 tw IK bulk of not 400 a 4 26 Hh ei ItecelltB Jow l Market active steady Yearling 4 IS M 4 CO neelern mutlona 376 tr 430 Block short ISO 0 4 10 London I 4 IS 0 011 JN rittMixii MtiK r Han rinrlci July JIWht uulel Deo IIIH ttnvllSU taihllXU liarler may Die t G U new IIU enjli Ill Produce irhange adjourned until un-til lonurn irnlng ailing tu death ot n 111100 LOCAL T1ARKETS 1 Halt 14ke III July I L IM C111 l Jnl llelow are whaWl titillate I non n-on poultry butter egg and cheee Quotations are corrected ieml weekly Iy I J M Chrlilenitn 4 Co wholesale produce dealeri deahersPOULTRY POULTRY There1 I li I a good demand for poultry poul-try I and the market to very bare Dreiied poultry drawn with heads and fret off bring figures na follow Turkey per lu 11 hlckeni 11 to I Hiring chicken per don i I TMlfi HUTTEn AND CHI PSIt All kinds of butter la I In good demand Creamery butter I 11 llnnch lOlollt A 11o Chteae Utah new I IOCS I The egg market la I weaker at present with tile I product quoted at lilt per caee irtAIN Rlllnit prices on an flour oto heatM cent pr uiheL I OntoIIII rotor hundreil Cornll per hundred Crok CoIIIO Per hundred < llran0c Per hundred 11ftII I per hundred hnrlolIOc Par hundred 1IIfI1O per hunlnd LOOBI1 HAY TlmilhIOOO line ton v Mltell9M lot r ton AlfalfaId per ton I FLOUR I High lutent per cwt IIt13 straight grade per city I IX 1ainlly per cwt 110 FRUIT AlrL1ISOoJ tockClllonl par LFsVosuCullfornln IX 3160 par I box IS to UK OIlNOtROO to M IS HPIIKIIHIPaVll76 III At Mil llRIFgll SO to 1175 UOA1 ANN I III lirill HIISO to 1171 TIIMIM 1IIUNl Hll JS IJA11 Il UMHll SIc SI-c INIIIH1IOr I to 1100 UTVI1 ISW HTIIAniirUIUllfllW V DTMIV1I rill ItnlfcH tier 111 to UTAII HIIT I LI111II1IIK8 flee I If I Of 11111 I llirlllt Per lax II3S fOMATOI perbonllOOtolZOO I m 711 11IM1111ts rt < Silo vIN 1IIMIIIINK V r V S-ilo 1 IS3 00 IQ 1100 n I Ml PUA91118 1 I per I t 112 tTkill I PLUMS I I I Ir Iolx I 7 to < 1110 I |