Show Italy elonoen Koun Dec 7ln the Chamber of UepulKiu today dl cuulni the budget Signor Luzzittl made an Intricate ntatemeut Hu Vxnlalned bow the dnaoUl year of ibM had oloaed with n eurplui of 9CU lire The year 18007 would haven surplus ol Boll 777 lire and prcepccU of the yen 1SU7 S are ono urniilng The Mtrquli Viscount Venoita the mlnlDterof foritlgu aQalrt replying to I iiueatlonr explained the H > o Imlo incident and Ibe leltlemont with Ilrazll uruwlng out of II Thli lu volved One alleged parllolpatlon of Ibo Italian coiitul San l Iaulo loan Insurrectionary In-surrectionary outbreaK Brazil bId b-Id dcnlied Ibo recall of Ibo Italian consul which Italy had declined to grant but now U has been decided to raise Ibo claim of tbe consulate and therefore a man ot higher rank would bm sDI |